Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has raised the next boost to the economy.
The Japanese government has put together another multibillion-dollar stimulus package. She decided on spending the equivalent of almost 24 billion euros (3.5 billion yen), particularly among economically weak regions and households are to be supported with low incomes this Saturday. These are to receive goods and petrol vouchers.
In addition, financial support for small businesses are planned and reconstruction projects for areas that have been hit by the devastating earthquake in March 2011. In order to stimulate the construction activity is to offer low mortgage rates a state credit agency.
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Prime Minister Shinzo Abe pursued named after him economic policy (Abenomics) mounted on a loose monetary policy and targeted sets expenditure and reform measures. According to analysts, Abe improved with the new measures, the chances of success of his governing coalition in national elections in April. He was recently elected by Parliament for a second term.
According to the government’s stimulus package should push economic output by 0.7 percent. Economists, however, are skeptical that the effect will be so strong. New debt for the project should not be made.
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