Saturday, December 27, 2014

Schäuble warns against too cheap money in the EU – Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Schäuble warns against too cheap money in the EU – Tiroler Tageszeitung Online

Berlin – The German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schäuble sees the current price and the easy money policy of ECB President Mario Draghi critical. The European Central Bank (ECB) is independent in its decisions. “Cheap money must not reduce the enthusiasm for reform in some countries.”

Schaeuble added: “Structural reforms are without any alternative, if it is to be permanently up again.” Schäuble and Bundesbank boss Jens Weidmann had recently warned of a copy of the ultra-loose monetary policy of the United States. This is the cause of economic problems in Europe and not the solution.

The Euro Fed will decide in the first quarter on

the use of other monetary instruments against the weak growth and the threat of deflation. Draghi had made it clear that he wants to go, if necessary, without the consent of Deutsche new steps. This also the massive purchase of government bonds could belong.

From Greece, Germany expects to meet his commitments savings even in the case of elections. “Every new government must comply with contractual agreements of the predecessor.” Greece has been held with bailouts of 240 billion euros over water. The country wants to return in 2015 to the financial markets. (Hide / AP)


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