German Telekom: Telekom reportedly considering sale of T-Online Springer – Times Online
20th December 2014 15:30 clock
The Telecom Group negotiates media reports alleged to sell its Internet portal T-Online Springer. | © John MacDougall / AFP / Getty Images
The German Telekom reportedly negotiating with the group Axel Springer on a sale of the portal T-Online. There are already talks between top executives of both companies, reported the Economics Week on Saturday in advance. But talks befänden still “in a very early stage.” Also Spiegel Online reported to have received from the business community a confirmation of the plans. By Telekom and Axel Springer no comments were first get.
If you believe the reports, apparently is already clear that T-Online will be
sold. The portal is, according to the Association of Online Research (Agof) the highest reach of online media in Germany. Because the Axel Springer owned website of
image newspaper , one of the most popular news sites is the purchase of T-Online by the media group would, according to
Economy week checked by the Federal Cartel Office. Unsure is apparently still if next to the portal to another T-Online belonging operations are disposed of, for example, the e-mail service.
Axel Springer, with a turnover of 2.8 billion euros in 2013 the second largest German media conglomerate Bertelsmann behind. The Company has issued the goal of becoming the world’s leading “digital publishing”. Already last year, half of the turnover was generated with online activities. In the first nine months of this year they laid the previous year by 6.9 per cent to around 2.177 billion euros.
For Axel Springer next news portals among other things includes the career network StepStone, real estate search page Immonet and Autovermittlung page autohaus24. But the ad business with housing and job advertisements posted in the first nine months of this year sales growth of 20 percent. The Telekom however wants to get out of the media business. The Group therefore sold in the summer music service Music Shop.
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