Friday, December 26, 2014

Surveillance camera filmed with: LG staff ruined Samsung … – ABC Online

Surveillance camera filmed with: LG staff ruined Samsung … – ABC Online

Friday, 12.26.2014, 16:53
“socInfo” Info

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LG employees are at a trade show in Berlin washing machines have demolished by Samsung. The competitor then brought an action for property damage and slander. Now the police raided the LG’s headquarters in Seoul. The Group speaks of “outrageous” allegations.

Because staff of the South Korean company LG to have damaged washing their competitors Samsung at a product demonstration in Berlin, it was in the Friday where a raid in the LG headquarters in Seoul. The investigators documents and computer hard drives were seized, reported the South Korean news agency Yonhap. The white goods factory in South Korea Changwon LG had been searched. “Our office is examined by investigators,” confirmed an LG spokesman, without giving further details.

Samsung has filed suit against several high-level LG staff, Submitted including LG Appliances boss Jo Seong-Jin, defamation, criminal damage and obstruction of business. The company alleges that the LG employees have damaged Samsung devices intentionally at a

trade fair in Berlin in September. According to Samsung, surveillance cameras had recorded as several men who were later identified as the LG people, destroyed the door hinges Samsung washing machines. Samsung LG also raises defamatory statements about allegedly defective Samsung washing machines.

LG about “outrageous view” outraged

LG rejected the allegations in a statement back. The company was “concerned that its business and its brand image suffers seriously by the unilateral and outrageous view of its competitor.”

The South Korean electronics giant Samsung is the world leader in mobile phones and flat screen TVs. Its smaller rival LG is also one of the largest household appliance manufacturers. The two companies supply for years a fierce PR battle

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