Beijing (APA / dpa) – Now they are no longer each other’s way. With a mega-merger, the two largest Chinese Zugbauer CNR and CSR join forces for world’s biggest train maker, is to provide Siemens and Co. forehead. The Iron Giant China has not only cost-effective technology, but delivers through the state and the necessary funding needed packages.
Most recently, China’s Premier Li Keqiang at the summit of the Eastern and Southern European countries in mid-December in Belgrade Chinese Railways promoted – as used previously in other foreign trips. Everywhere loans are available. In Southeast Asia, Africa and Latin America, the Chinese railway industry is active.
rail links with Chinese technology, finance and engineering are important elements of the new Chinese monetary diplomacy, with billions of loans abroad new infrastructure projects or economic corridors such as the “new advance Silk Road “from China to Europe. The merger of the two Zugbauer is a further step in this strategy, which China wants to develop new markets
The two Chinese state-owned enterprises had international ruinous competition supplied -. Such as when applying for major projects in Turkey or in Argentina. “The new group will have a clear advantage over their global rivals by being able to optimize the technological advantage, human capital and production capacity,” Wang Mengshu said of China Academy of Engineering of the newspaper “China Daily”.
The domestic market is not rising as fast. The capacities are large. As new markets must be found. A billion deal in Mexico burst in November because of a lack of transparency in the tendering. But CNR won in October in Boston a 567 million US dollar contract for the local subway – the first for a Chinese manufacturer in the United States. China’s railway workers want to also supply
China also plans to Brazil and Peru to help in its ambitious project, a 4,500 km long connecting the Pacific to build the Atlantic. Chinese state-owned banks and multi-billion dollar infrastructure fund can offer necessary financing for such projects. Conceivable future also credits the Development Bank of the BRICS countries, China has established together with Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa, or of the new Asian Infrastructure Bank (aIIb), which also relies on China’s billion.
To succeed globally, large corporations are needed. “While China’s economy to a” new normal “occurs, the central government is keen to provide greater international brands of its advanced industries such as railway equipment and communications to ensure a high-quality growth,” Zhang Ji said of the Foreign Department of Commerce Department the “China Daily” overlooking the braked economic growth and the desired structural change.
In order to create global market size, China’s leadership looks around in other industries such as aviation. Modeled after the railway merger, there are discussions about a merger of the two major state-owned aircraft manufacturer Avic and Comac, like a Chinese source of the German Press Agency in Beijing reported.
Comac builds considerable delay and high levels of investment in a Regionaljet and greater passenger plane to make Airbus and Boeing competition. “The government is losing patience,” the person who is familiar with the internal deliberations said. Avic had been asked to take Comac. “A merger is expected to increase efficiency and create a powerful group.”