51 percent of Scots want to break loud polling firm YouGov of Great Britain, 49 percent want the maintained Union with England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The reports the British “Times”, commissioned by the survey in order. The Scots vote on 18 September stating to whether they want to be independent from the United Kingdom.
In the latest survey, the respondents who have not yet decided, were not counted. Counting them to support 47 percent of the independence, 45 percent want to keep the Union. “This survey can and should be a wake up call for all who thought the outcome of the referendum’m getting fixed,” says the campaign “Better together” (Better together) the report.
In August, the majority nor for the cohesion
In August, the independence movement had gained many votes. In a second survey, the Unionists but still were just the beginning. 52 percent wanted to belong to Great Britain, 48 percent prefer to be independent, as the opinion research institute panel base determined by order of the “Yes” campaign, which promotes independence. If more than half of the Scots “yes” vote, the country would become independent in the spring of 2016.
According to the “Times” Endorses the British Queen Elizabeth II. Now worried about an impending constitutional crisis and wants daily be kept up to date. Officially, the palace is neutral, the paper relies on high-level officials. Britain’s Prime Minister David Cameron wanted to go on Sunday to Scottish residence of the Queen, where they traditionally resident in the summer. On election campaign he would not take part at the weekend, said the government seat in London’s Downing Street. Cameron’s Conservative Party in Scotland little support
Video:. Scotland wants from Britain tear
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