Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Action for discrimination: Lufthansa pilot wins fight against cap compulsory – ABC Online

Action for discrimination: Lufthansa pilot wins fight against cap compulsory – ABC Online

Tuesday, 09.30.2014, 11:13
“socInfo” info

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If the cap compulsory for Lufthansa pilots discriminatory? A pilot of the airline feels that way. Now the Federal Labour Court

has the verdict and decided in favor of the pilot. On Tuesday the trial of the action was in Erfurt one employed by Lufthansa since 2006 pilot’s held. He comes from the fact that for the pilots cockpit cap is only a uniform accessory that can be worn in public, but not necessarily. For pilots, however, the blue cap with the Lufthansa emblem and gold cord is mandatory in public areas of airports.

Now the Federal Labour Court (BAG) gave the man right. The Lufthansa may not commit to wearing a uniform cap at airports its pilots. The federal judge saw in the Lufthansa arguments – Tradition and the specifics of women’s hairstyles – there were

insufficient grounds for unequal treatment of men and women.

background of the dispute to the last instance is an operating agreement “uniforms” of 2004, which regulates the dress code at the airline. The First Senate of the Federal Labour Court has now examined whether the regulation of the General Equal Treatment Act and regulations contradicts the Works Constitution Act. It was also about whether there are sound reasons for unequal treatment of women and men in the pilot’s uniform.

The Labour Court Cologne had given the pilots right in his action against the cap compulsory, the Court of Appeal, however, the Lufthansa . The applicant comes from North Rhine-Westphalia and is stationed in Munich. The attempt of the company to make a uniform caps rule for both men and women, has not been supported by the Staff Committee, said a spokesman for Lufthansa AG in Frankfurt.


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