Monday, September 29, 2014

Ex-Health Minister Daniel Bahr joining the Allianz – THE WORLD

Ex-Health Minister Daniel Bahr joining the Allianz – THE WORLD

Former Health Minister Daniel Bahr (FDP) is from November for the Alliance Private health insurance (APKV) operates and is there after a training period also be appointed to the board of Allianz subsidiary. As a “designated health expert” will Bahr APKV promote entrepreneurial said Alliance CEO Markus Riess.

Bahr was 2005-2009 health spokesman of the FDP parliamentary group as Minister of Health, he developed the care-Bahr – supplementary private insurance for care that is offered by the Alliance

The 37-year-old who. currently working in the USA for a company specializing in health policy think tank, also was always an advocate of private health insurance. His political commitment has apparently paid off

a conflict of interest with his political activities, however, does not see Bahr. “My education and my commitment in recent years for the Healthcare lead logically to me that I also work further in this area, “Bahr said the” Süddeutsche Zeitung “.

The former health minister Economics studied. “It would have been more surprising if I were to work for the automotive industry, where I do not know much about.”

Bahr stressed that it is not considered Lobbyist will be active, but will take care of the contracts entered into an alliance with physicians and hospitals. “My desk is in Munich. My job is to take responsibility in the company and not to influence political decisions,” he said.

And a other Personnel of the Alliance that is surprising: the former Commerzbank board member Achim Kassow is chairman of the Regional Management South of the insurance operation of the property, life and health insurance. Kassow was seen as a possible successor to the former Commerzbank chief Klaus-Peter Müller. After Martin Blessing it was, he left in 2010 the Institute.

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