The German economy is in the face of numerous international crises a dreary autumn before: The mood in the boardrooms fell in September already the fifth month in a row and is no longer as bad as for almost one and a half years. The Ifo business climate index fell unexpectedly sharply by 1.6 points to 104.7.
The expectations are dull. “The German economic engine is no longer running around,” the president of the Munich Ifo Institute, Hans-Werner Sinn said. The data released on Wednesday based on a survey of 7,000 managers in Germany.
Managers appreciate not only the business situation a weaker, they also assess the prospects so poor not seen since the end of 2012. In all major industries, the climate became turbid – from trading to construction and the service providers. But
Especially suffers the export-dependent industry, which make creating the Ukraine-Russia crisis and the sanctions and the weak economy in Europe. “From the international business are hardly increases expected,” said sense.
Sets the European Central Bank after?
Despite the bad news, stock prices attracted to. Because of the threat of recession in Germany increases the likelihood that the European Central Bank (ECB) pumping more money into the economy – such as through an extensive program of buying bonds. “The Governing Council unanimously of the opinion that the available tools can be used all,” said ECB president Mario Draghi.
For the German economy on the other hand does not pay the tide cheap money, fears Ifo economic expert Klaus Rabe well: “For our company that has no consequences because they do not have a liquidity problem.” For the waning third quarter he expects hardly any growth in Germany.
“There is around zero,” said economic expert. “There is hardly bright spots.’s Economy in the European Union continues on bad health, and the Ukraine crisis provides a general uncertainty.”
“The government must do more”
At the German Industry and Commerce (DIHK) is similar to that seen. “The skid marks in the economy are deeper,” said chief economist Alexander Schumann. “The weaker export business by proposing increasingly on investment.”
I’m given the uncertainty as to develop the many crises continue. “The growth seems to dry, dull autumn mood laid over the economy,” said economist Holger also Submitted by Nordea Bank. “A decline in economic activity is not to be feared striking growth but not in sight.”
that Germany still in comparison to most other European countries very good stands, is due to the robust labor market,
“You should consider how they can improve investment conditions,” said Nordea analyst Sandte. “In the long term also significantly higher public investment in infrastructure would use a lot.”
Gross domestic product shrank unexpectedly in the spring by 0.2 percent. The Federation of German Industries lowered its growth forecast for 2014 already from 2.0 to 1.5 percent. The industrialized countries-OECD Organisation fears that it will not be enough in 2015 to a larger increase.
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