Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Over against taxi drivers: Court stops drivers – Spiegel Online

Over against taxi drivers: Court stops drivers – Spiegel Online

Frankfurt am Main – For the second time within a short time a court has stopped a driver of smartphone service Uber. It was triggered by the action of a taxi operator. By injunction the District Court Frankfurt forbade a driver on Haul app UberPop mediated passengers without proper authorization by the Passenger Transport Act to carry. In case of violation the Uber-driver threatened with a fine of up to 250,000 euros.

According to the cooperative taxi Germany a private taxi entrepreneur was taken to court. “In the future we will in all cities where UberPop acts immediately make tests and take illegal business model of the company promptly brought to justice”, said the cooperative of taxi companies. In order for the driver to be quenched. You threatened thereby per trip among others one point each in Flensburg and ultimately the withdrawal of the license, said Dieter Schlenker, Chairman of taxi Germany.

Just recently, the district court Frankfurterstmals imposed a ban against an Uber-driver . A taxi driver had asked this a trap.

Not only individual taxi entrepreneurs struggle with complaints against individual Uber-driver. The cooperative taxi Germany wants the car service stop altogether. An injunction against the company Uber but he canceled last week, the Landgericht Frankfurt. On the merits, the injunction was indeed been lawful, the court ruled. But there is no reason to resolve the dispute by express decision.

its smartphone service UberPop the Californian company conveys passengers to private drivers. Uber sees itself as a kind of carpool.

Taxi industry predicts layoffs because of minimum wage

The taxi industry in Germany is currently fighting not only against cheap competition from Uber, but also railed against the introduction of the nationwide minimum wage on January 1. Tens of thousands of drivers could

lose their job the year, warned the German taxi and car rental association. “It overwhelmed us completely,” the president of the association, Michael Mueller said, the introduction of the minimum wage.

negotiations for a first national wage agreement in the taxi industry were middle of the month failed. Currently, the average wage of a survey of the association between 6 According euro and 6.50 euro the hour. But there are major differences: In Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, he lie partly at 3.50 euros, in cities, the drivers would often paid by revenue.

According to Müller in Germany there are 28,000 taxi company with 58,000 vehicles, which employ 200,000 to 220,000 riders. “We expect that 25 to 30 percent are exempted of the year,” said the association leader.

In Hanover a company already announced a precaution all 65 drivers. In other cities there are such considerations, Müller said. The association even rate its members, “should first check how many drivers they can afford in the future.”

In order to break even, 25 to 35 percent would be more expensive taxi driving, Müller said. “But that do not with the municipalities.” The taxi company may not itself set their prices, decide according to Müller more than 800 licensing authorities. Although many places charge increases were applied, with decisions by the new year does not count miller “. Usually lasts six to 18 months, sometimes years”

The introduction of the minimum wage could also competition between the taxi industry and excess fuel, Müller said. If a taxi driver had to be more expensive because of the minimum wage, Uber fortiori “right reingrätschen,” said the association president. “We feel between the millstones tariff policy and Uber crushed.”


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