Saturday, September 27, 2014

Kiev and Moscow are approaching the gas dispute at – THE WORLD

Kiev and Moscow are approaching the gas dispute at – THE WORLD

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                  EU Commissioner Oettinger is with parties to the conflict “winter package” from. It is the energy supply in Europe until the spring secure

The gas dispute between Moscow and Kiev, a compromise was reached, which could ensure the gas supply to Europe and the Ukraine over the winter. The so-called winter package, the EU Energy Commissioner Günther Oettinger in Berlin has negotiated with the parties, the Ukraine obliged to transfer a total of $ 3.1 billion in Russia by year end. In return, the Russian gas producer Gazprom, Ukraine committed to provide at least five billion cubic meters of natural gas. There is a price of 385 dollars per 1,000 cubic meters is proposed, which is located in the center of the far-flung price expectations of the parties.

How Oettinger said that he considered this for a “viable interim solution for the gas supply until the spring.” Now the proposal must advise of the political bodies in Moscow and Kiev and adopted. “We want to the approval early next week have clarity,” Oettinger said. “Then we could arrive at a binding protocol over a gas contract with validity until the end of March next year. This would give our citizens a high level of security of supply.”

The agreement, which will apply until the end of March 2015, stipulates that the Ukrainians Payment afford. By the end of October, the Ukraine should first transfer two billion dollars to settle outstanding invoices to Moscow. By the end of the year, then should follow a further tranche of $ 1.1 billion. The European Commission will try to obtain an appropriate guarantee from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Oettinger said. Russia should to promise in return for the delivery of five billion cubic meters of natural gas and promise an option for a further amounts.

This compromise would be the danger of a Russian supply cut-offs, would also meet the European Union banned the coming

winter. Become the compromise proposal in Moscow and Kiev not accepted, “a situation as in January 2009,” is not entirely ruled out, Oettinger said. At the time, lack of gas supplies from Russia had led to German power plants had to be throttled.

representative of Russia and Ukraine had met in June with the EU Commission to settle the dispute over unpaid gas bills. At that time there had been no agreement. The parties thereafter sued each other before an arbitration court in Stockholm. In the process it comes to the height of the gas price to Ukraine should pay Russia. While Russia demanded $ 485, will only pay $ 265 per 1,000 cubic meters Ukraine. Thus, the dispute moved a total of 3.1 to 5.2 billion dollars. Depending on whether the Stockholm arbitration tribunal in the coming year, Russia or the Ukraine right, agreed in winter package payments will be adjusted accordingly. At the meeting in the Berlin offices of the European Commission of the Ukrainian Energy Minister Yuri Prodan and his Russian counterpart Alexander Nowak and representatives of the state power companies participated.

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