Thursday, September 25, 2014

Labor dispute – Lufthansa pilots threaten strike from now – Sü

Labor dispute – Lufthansa pilots threaten strike from now – Sü

had only just Lufthansa and pilots started their negotiations. But now they are once again failed – with significant consequences for the passengers.

  • Lufthansa pilots and find not together
  • The union Vereinigung Cockpit criticize the actions of the Lufthansa
  • Lufthansa union calls for moderation on

“Immediately” threaten strikes

ten days before the pilots called off a strike announced shortly, an agreement between the pilots and the Lufthansa seemed possible to be. The negotiations on the revision of the transitional pensions of pilots were taken, both sides were talking to each other again. But now everything is back waste: The Lufthansa pilots threaten strike again. The negotiations had failed, said the union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC). “The massive demands of management were even strengthened,” rüffelte the VC. New proposals for part-time work should be regarded as “anti-family”. “Immediately” is therefore to be expected with further industrial action over which one but will inform separately below the public.

What is at the strike goes

rotates the dispute between pilots and Lufthansa themselves. around the future transitional pensions for 5400 pilots and co-pilots of Lufthansa, Lufthansa Cargo and German Wings The Lufthansa had the previous rules terminated at the end of 2013. At that time already hired pilots still get to 2016 under the

old conditions early retirement. Entrants on the other hand go to agreement on a new regulation from empty. Vereinigung Cockpit insists on equal treatment of all ages and argues that the long hours and night flights gnaw on duration of health. So far, the pilots could place no earlier than age 55, the control out of the hands – on average they start with 59 years in retirement. Lufthansa plans to increase the average being 61 years.

Lufthansa VC calls for moderation

The Lufthansa called the Cockpit union to refrain from further strikes. The company has shown a willingness to compromise and offered talks on the contentious issues, said a company spokesman.

As the strikes so far proceeded

The VC has 4300 flights with approximately 480,000 affected in so far four waves of strikes passengers skipped. Nevertheless succeeded Lufthansa, cushion the impact of the strikes. Before last threatened strike, Lufthansa announced that it can perform all 40 threatened industrial action overseas flights without VC-pilot. The walkouts pilots cost Lufthansa a lot of money. In April, the Vereinigung Cockpit had the Lufthansa already three days virtually paralyzed by a strike: 3,800 flights were canceled at the time of. The decrease in profits for the Group amounted at that time to a total of 60 million euros.


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