Paris – Pilot protests bring not only the German Lufthansa in distress. The French airline Air France has to deal with the demands of their masters. Before starting her second week of the strike now has the French government warned of serious consequences for the company -., And calls for a compromise solution
“The government wants the strike is over,” French Transport Secretary Alain Vidalies told the radio station France Information. In an interview with Europe 1 radio warned the Secretary of State, Air France was a “financially ailing” company.
The airline needed to react to the phenomenon of low cost airlines and adapt. “I call on the pilots and management of the company to meet its responsibilities,” Vidalies said. Should agree not Air France and employees, could “the fate of the company are at stake,” added the Secretary of State.
In the dispute over the development of a low cost subsidiary, the largest Air France pilots’ union SNPL AF Alpa (“Syndicat National des pilotes de Ligne Air France Alpa”) had approximately 81 percent of the vote for a continuation of the strike pronounced. The members of employee representation will go on strike again until next Friday. On Monday, Air France will be able to use only about 40 percent of its scheduled flights according to own data.
The union called on Saturday by Prime Minister Manuel Valls again, to meet with the pilot. The employee representatives hope that the prime minister “is interested in the rescue of French jobs,” said SNPL chief Jean-Louis Barber. Valls, the Air France pilots had called on Wednesday to end their strike, which would not “understood” by the French.
Each day of the strike will cost 15 million euros
At the airports, Lille and Bordeaux fell on Sunday from all Air France flights. In Marseille, Nice and Toulouse almost all flights were canceled. The company said that each Streittag cost up to 15 million euros.
A further extension of the strike is not ruled out, according to the employees’ representatives, should the management do not give up their “blockade” in the negotiations. The pilots already existed for a week to air traffic in France in many parts of lame, Air France had on Tuesday, more than half the flights deleted.
The conflict revolves around the planned expansion of the activities of Air France airline subsidiary Transavia throughout Europe. Air France’s response to the growing competition from budget airlines such as Easyjet or Ryanair.
The Air France pilots, who earn up to 250,000 euros a year, fearing that they will be replaced by cheaper colleagues at Transavia. The warranties provided by the group of rich union believes were not able to rule out job cuts in France.

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