The increasing market concentration of German food trade makes the Bundeskartellamt worry. Four large corporations share 85 percent of sales, which may lead to negative consequences for the customers by themselves. The largest supermarket chain Edeka contradicts.
The Federal Cartel Office is concerned about the increasing concentration of the German food retail. Single market leader Edeka and Rewe, Aldi and Schwarz Group with Lidl and Kaufland united now 85 percent of the German food sales on – and all four continued to expand, Cartel boss Andreas Mundt said on Wednesday in Bonn at the launch of a sector inquiry. The concentration is now “worrying”. Edeka disagreed: The Cartel study not fancy from the reality in the industry.
The chains can impose substantial discounts on all food manufacturers,
Edeka criticizes the survey
mergers involving the big four. chains would in future be “deepened” checked Mundt announced. For the study, the Authority had prices and discounts for 250 representatively selected items examined.
Edeka criticized, this figure is too low given of some 50,000 items in the food retail sector. Therefore, the results led astray. In addition, the Authority has taken only the procurement markets in the view – ie the way the dealer with their suppliers. At the same time the chains befänden but among themselves in fierce competition. This had not been sufficiently appreciated
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