Coming soon there will be unmanned aircraft over the North Sea: The German Post wants to test their first package drone under everyday conditions and makes the above sea.
As part of a field trial to a “DHL Paketkopter” as the Post called the aircraft, in the coming months drugs by the Lower Saxony seaport north bring to a pharmacy on the North Sea island of Juist. Initial tests with the aircraft have already taken place. On Friday, the regular delivery operation should begin.
According to the Post, it is so for been the first and only time in Europe possible, an unmanned aircraft without direct visual contact a pilot to operate in a real application case
Together with development partners -. the Institute of Flight System Dynamics Technische Hochschule Aachen and the company Microdrones – had to post before the Lower Saxony Ministry for Economic Affairs, Labour and Transport of an approval process through.
In addition, the Federal Ministry of Transport and digital infrastructure in coordination with the German air traffic control for the research project a so-called restricted area set up. In addition to the island municipality of Juist and north of the town and the National Park Administration Wadden Sea has the use of packet-drone allowed.
had authorities and communities agree
By the end of 2013, the Post had made a test flight for parcel delivery via drone over the Rhine stir. Since the maiden flight of the so-called Paketkopter was developed. These include the flight duration, flight range and speed.
Finally, challenges such as wind and marine weather on the North Sea coast to exist. “Our DHL Paketkopter 2.0 is already one of the safest and most reliable flight systems in its class,” Post Board Jürgen Gerdes was quoted in a press release.
So is the new Package drone fly much longer: from the North Island of Juist, there are the departure point approximately twelve kilometers. The flight is intended to fully autonomous take place: An intervention of the “pilots” on land is reportedly not required
monitoring by a mobile ground station
In the aircraft has an autopilot with automatic takeoff and landing function installed. For safety reasons, the Paketkopter but monitored by a mobile earth station in northern dike.
The package drone flying at an altitude of about 50 meters, depending on the wind the aircraft up to 18 meters per second fast. The drone is to bring medicines to the island, in times when no other connections by plane or ferry are available.
The race will be started on the port area in the north dike, landing in a specially designated place on the island. For the project, the Post is working with the seal pharmacy together on Juist. With the drone of-stock medicines more quickly to the island. Much more can not convey the Paketkopter also. Its transport volume is barely bigger than a shoebox.
Researchers from Aachen are working on new drone
Research Partner of the Post The Institute of Flight System Dynamics Technische Hochschule Aachen. The researchers there lay one of their priorities to the optimization, simulation and control of automated aircraft.
The “secure and robust operation of unmanned aircraft for various tasks in difficult environmental and weather conditions “is one of the main tasks of the research, says the Institute.
If the test operation run successfully, the post is already thinking new tasks for the package drone. Concrete action plans for regular operation in parcel delivery, there are claims to not.
But is the use of drones for delivery particularly urgent goods in sparsely populated or hard to reach areas and for emergency supplies quite conceivable, it says in the post.
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