The federal government wants to slow down the European Commission on the Free Trade Agreement with Canada Ceta. The agreement may fail also. <- ! (Ver & ouml; ffentlicht September 23, 00:00) ->
After the Brussels Commission considers that it closes and it only from the agreements for all member countries?. But after the 28 EU members believe they are also independent contractors, because their national rights are affected. There were a so-called mixed agreement, the legal opinion of the States. Consequently, must agree to all 28 national parliaments, in Germany the Bundestag. For the Federal Government, the Ministry of Economic Affairs of Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) yesterday presented a report which legally supports this position again. Ceta also regulates the protection of investments in the field of investments, and was a national matter. This is automatically the entire 1,500-page agreement the states. “Just as a drop of pastis before the whole glass of water becomes cloudy,” said the lawyer Bielefeld Franz C. Mayer his position somewhat lyrical.
A delay of two years is likely due to the complex ratification process now and the high risk . Because fails Ceta, was talked about for five years, only one country, the work has failed everywhere. Given the growing criticism is that a hot ride. Especially since Ceta increasingly caught up in the controversy over the economically far more important FTAs TTIP with the United States, over which the talks have just begun.
representative of the Party Left called internally already, check also Ceta about conditions again. Their concern: that environmental and labor standards through the detour of such agreements will be undermined and the national legislation is thwarted because investors enjoy investment protection and they could enforce their interests before international arbitration tribunals. Negative example is the many aiming at compensation action of the Swedish company Vattenfall in an international arbitration court in Washington against the German nuclear phase-out.
Ceta at least Gabriel does not see the compensation problem. He presented a further report, according to which there granted investment protection and arbitration schemes went out only in “negligible” way at a few points about EU law, including but mostly remained, particularly under German law. No gateway so for complaints, although both sides have to swallow toads. How can Canadian manufacturer not a “Bavarian beer” sale, but have a free hand, as soon as they offer the product in English about as “Munich Beer”. On the other hand, Gabriel still wants to renegotiate the agreement at a point that is going to hurt more Canadian financial investors: You shall have no claims for compensation, if in euro-countries go bankrupt banks or a haircut with the participation of investors ge makes is
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