Monday, September 29, 2014

Pilot strike: Lufthansa sweeps 48 long-haul flights – THE WORLD

Pilot strike: Lufthansa sweeps 48 long-haul flights – THE WORLD

It is the fifth wave of strikes: Lufthansa pilots want on Tuesday continued their strike at Germany’s largest airport in Frankfurt. No long-haul flights will start as the pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) announced between 8 and 23 clock. Affected are flights to long-haul jets, Airbus A380, Boeing B747, Airbus A330 and Airbus A340.

Lufthansa announced that due to the strike on Tuesday 25 of 57 provided long-range compounds should be removed from and to Frankfurt / Main. Until Wednesday will be allocated a total of 48 compounds.

figure contained also 13 connections to Frankfurt, which is actually still on Monday should have start to a statement issued on Monday in Internet list. Lufthansa tries in the event of a strike is always a flight to organize so that after strikers operation can run as fast as possible back to normal.

4300 flights due to strike so far failed

background is the deadlocked pay dispute to supply around 5400 Lufthansa pilots during the transition to retirement. “Since the Lufthansa management has continued submitted no compromise competitive offer, we are forced to these other measures,” the VC said. But it was still anytime association ready to avert strikes.

The VC has 4300 flights have already failed in four waves of strikes, hundreds of thousands of travelers were affected.

At the weekend it was revealed that the use of external Lufthansa pilots checked for reasons of economy on long journeys. A first attempt would airline CEO Carsten Spohr start from November 2015 at the new Affordable offshoot called Jump, reported the “mirror”.

Lufthansa does not mention any details

machines of the type Airbus A340 would be awarded to the Swiss airline PrivateAir and together with Swiss federal cockpit personnel leased back. . Use this break a decades-old company tradition tourist destinations such as Las Vegas or Mauritius could fly – and costs are saved

A Lufthansa spokeswoman said on Sunday: “It is right that we examine alternative Bereederungsmöglichkeiten for our 14 Airbus 340-300. ” Further details can not be called.

VC spokesman Handwerg confirmed that the proposed step is not contrary to applicable collective agreements. However, customers could no longer rely on a Lufthansa cockpit actually were sitting Lufthansa

pilots. That would be a novelty, Handwerg said. “We regret that so doing.”

Photo: AP On Tuesday should 8-23 clock at Frankfurt airport no long-haul flights start

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