The pilot strike at Lufthansa flares up again. Passengers must be set back to flight cancellations and postponements. The union will announce the strike before. In the wage dispute is about the future transitional pensions for 5400 pilots and co-pilots.
At Lufthansa, the signals are again on strike. The pilots union “Vereinigung Cockpit” has just resumed collective bargaining again on Thursday declared a failure and announced further strikes. From when to strike, the union was not known. They wanted to warn the passengers but.
It was not until ten days before the VC had already planned fifth wave of the pilot Ausstands canceled at short notice and added new negotiations with the company on the transitional pension of 5,400 affected pilots.
Social Responsibility for early retirement
In these talks, Lufthansa have tightened their requirements and thus escalating the conflict, the accusation of the union. As before, a uniform rule for all pilots will be refused and instead proposed a transitional care in three classes.
For new pilots, the management reject the social responsibility for premature retirement completely. That part-time should prolonging effect on the possible separating age, must be regarded as anti-family, criticized the union.
The Lufthansa appealed in a first reaction to the pilots to refrain from strikes again. They have shown a willingness to compromise in the talks and more talks offered to all contentious issues, said a company spokesman.
transitional pension for 5400 pilots and co-pilots
In the wage dispute is about the future
After a ballot to the transition bonds, the VC 4300 flights has skipped with about 480,000 passengers affected since April so far in four waves of strikes. A fifth wave was canceled last week on Monday after Lufthansa had submitted a modified offer. The airline had also announced, to be able to perform all 40 threatened overseas flights from Frankfurt without VC-pilot. The strike wave had run therefore useless.
Many European connections to the daughter “German Wings” moved
is about the new offer was negotiated over several days, said the VC. The Lufthansa had “further deterioration” demanded in the talks. There was “no serious intention” of management recognizable to a solution. Despite some years of negotiations meantime had 15 tariff themes between VC and Lufthansa unresolved. This also includes the question of further salary increases.
In French competitor of Air France for eleven days ongoing pilots’ strike has been effective. The company has abandoned expansion plans for its low cost subsidiary Transavia, which should take the shorter routes with lower-paid pilots from the mother. Lufthansa also plans under the umbrella brand “Wings” an expanded low rail. In a first step, already many European connections to the daughter “German Wings” have been relocated to Germany.
This airline like the Germans did not
‘+’ ‘+’

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