Tuesday, September 23, 2014

New ten-euro note: emerald green, deep blue – and slick – STAR

New ten-euro note: emerald green, deep blue – and slick – STAR

The second Euro-generation is growing: From this Tuesday at the new ten euro note is spread among the people – at ATMs, bank counters and tills. As with the revised five, which is in circulation since May 2013, Europe’s central banks to promise better protection against counterfeiting. Because the new bills differ mainly by new security features of their predecessors. These remain valid and will be gradually withdrawn from circulation

recogniziable change the new bills: Its surface is smooth because it is coated with a special varnish – as was the case of five of the new generation.. This is the “small bills” make that change rapidly the owner, more durable.

Since 2005, monetary experts have fiddled with the new security features. Finally, the monetary authorities want

counterfeiters always be at least one step ahead. In the first half of 2014 331.000 flowers across Europe were withdrawn from circulation.

For the conversion to the new tens machine operators and banks have been trained according to the Federal Bank for nine months. Because the problems of May 2013, not repeated: At the time the new five-euro note landed while in the wallets of consumers. But ticket or parking ticket could not pay people to
many machines in Europe with that because their software was not changed in time.

4.3 billion of the new Ten are in the next few weeks in circulation are brought. Expected in early 2016 following the revised 20-euro note.


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