Hamburg – Lufthansa is considering saving reasons the use of external drivers on long journeys. A first attempt will start from November 2015 with a new low-cost offshoot under the symbol Jump Airline CEO Carsten Spohr according to information obtained by SPIEGEL. Machines of the type Airbus A340 would be awarded to the Swiss airline PrivateAir and together with Swiss federal cockpit personnel leased back. This fraction of a decades-old tradition Group would make it possible to fly competitively priced tourist destinations such as Las Vegas or Mauritius.
A Lufthansa spokeswoman confirmed the plans on Sunday to the news

a violation of applicable collective agreements does not mean the step, like the spokesman for the pilots’ union Vereinigung Cockpit, Jörg Handwerg confirmed. However, customers could no longer rely on a Lufthansa cockpit actually were sitting Lufthansa pilots. That would be a novelty, Handwerg said. “We regret that so doing.”

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