08:32 clock
The USA go against the relocation of offices before abroad for tax avoidance. The government in Washington on Monday adopted a package of measures now in force that is directed against the last frequently re-applied practice of American corporations to move their tax residence by acquiring mostly smaller companies abroad there. So the companies want to avoid the relatively high U.S. corporate taxes among others. The new rules would
Burger King said will draw
The government fears that her massive break away much needed revenue to Canada. The companies argue that they were only trying to lower their tax burden – as the investors expected of them. Among other things, is currently Burger King going to take over the Canadian coffee and donut chain Tim Hortons. Headquarters to Canada.
The pharmaceutical company AbbVie bought recently for about 40 billion Euro British rival Shire. The tax residence to be relocated to the Channel Island of Jersey. The tax rate for the Group are therefore, according AbbVie fall to 13 percent from 22 percent previously. Reuters

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