I m dispute with the EU-Commission, whether the trade agreement CETA with Canada also needs the green light from the Bundestag, the federal government gets legal backing. A legal opinion commissioned by Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel comes to the conclusion that the CETA agreement must be ratified by all national parliaments of the 28 EU countries.
In a further report also claimed could view the Ministry of reproach largely dispelled that Canadian corporations Lever German law on foreign arbitral tribunals in a big way and sue for damages.
Blueprint for TTIP
CETA is considered blueprint for the controversial trade agreement TTIP between Europe and the USA. . Weekend, the SPD had set on a small Party “red lines” for TTIP, which will apply after statement of SPD leader Gabriel for CETA
It is unclear whether the federal government – despite protestations to the contrary – actually still can enforce changes to the CETA agreement with Canada. This Friday, the end of the negotiations to the EU-Canada Summit in Ottawa officially be announced as a spokeswoman for the European Commission said on Monday.
A formal signature by the Prime Minister of Canada Stephen Harper and the outgoing EU Commission President José Manuel Barroso will not enter it. After a legal review of the contract would be translated into the languages of the EU and submitted to the European Council and the European Parliament for ratification. Up to a publication of the text will take at least another week.
single-handedly stop Brussels
From a referral in national parliaments is no talk yet. Gabriel’s Secretary Brigitte Zypries (SPD) admitted that the EU Commission has so far remained hard. Brussels wants to stop going it alone, if necessary, the Council of Ministers or litigate the case before the European Court of Justice (ECJ) Germany. This could delay the CETA’s degree at one to two years, said expert Franz Mayer of the University of Bielefeld. And consent of the Council and the European Parliament – – However, the Commission in consultation with Canada could the agreement also provisionally set in motion until the dispute is finally resolved
opponents of trade agreements warn. that investors could sue states before international arbitral tribunals for damages. These reservations are excessive, said Stephan Schill from the Max-Planck-Institute for Comparative Law. The investment protection CETA is a relatively weak process and have little teeth. Granted by the CETA protect Canadian investment was in important respects even weaker than German and EU law

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