This was a really bad week for Apple. Hardly had the cheers died away on the new iPhone and the queues in front of Apple stores were scattered abroad, it crackled formally negative reports. Software flaws plaguing the new iPhone operating system iOS 8, reports on the twisted iPhone 6 Plus became the topic of the day. On the stock market, the company lost within one day four percent in value because investors had apparently lost confidence in the Group.
But it was probably not only investors, which took courage. When Apple introduced a renewed update for its iPhones launched on Thursday asked so many in the social network: “Should I really install?”
This lack of trust meets Apple much harder than the 24 billion dollars that it has lost in the stock market. Stock prices fluctuate – and you look at the development on Friday at, Apple must not worry, the price is already rising again slightly.
So it is always before and after Apple’s product launches: Shortly after the show, the price drops for allegedly disappointed investors, only the next day again to put on. It’s been around for years so and you can almost set your clock after that. Just like you can almost certainly work out when Apple will introduce the new products that, because the company simply picks up certain products at certain times of the year.
The first problem after a day
But now it’s about something else. It is not a new technology and it’s not about a new design. Apple is faced with the task to regain confidence. Because the trust of his fans, his loyal customers is it that makes the company to the money machine that he is. Tens of thousands of fans around the globe are the only reason for days for a new iPhone, because they are sure that it is good that it will appeal to them. Million users ensure that almost all iPhones and iPads, the latest operating system version is always installed, because they install every update that Apple offers, instantly, with the motto “Will be all right.” The problems of the past week
The most important new features of iOS 8
this trust highly stressed. First, the error in the Healthkit software, the Apple 8 only discovered after the release of iOS, which is why the company had to withdraw several updates of fitness apps from the App Store. Then reports of bent iPhones and finally the mishap with the first update for iOS 8th Actually, it should eliminate the Healthkit bug, but in practice it put the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus lame.
unusual insights
The loud roar of all the mistakes and problems of the past few weeks – just think of the stolen celebrity nude pictures – are Apple of course not unheard faded away. In an unprecedented action, the Group invited a few American journalists to visit some of his sanctuaries. Employees of the technology blog “The Verge” and “Re / code” were allowed to visit the testing laboratory to be tested in the new iPhones on stability and endurance. For the Group, its openness else ends at his property line, a date-time process.
Are you sure it is right and necessary that Apple is now trying to openness, to appease the spirits. But a quick look at a test laboratory is not sufficient to restore confidence among the doubters. Particularly in light of Apple’s entry into the credit card business in need of more, to make it clear that the company is serious about data security and the protection of privacy, as it has CEO Tim Cook promised.
These goals are only to achieve quality and it can be only when hardware and software are thoroughly tested on all possible defects out before they presented to the public. Of course it’s important to be fast, but it is even more important to be error free. Apple’s task now is to convince consumers with quality, not speed.
The next opportunity for this may come soon. In October, new iPads, a new version of the Mac operating system OS X and maybe a few surprises in the pipeline.

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