When controversial free trade agreement TTIP the EU and the USA, the new EU Commission launches for information of European Socialists change course a.
The designated trade commissioner Cecilia Malmström had promised to refrain in the negotiations on safeguards for the protection of investors. This was announced by the Chairman of the Trade Committee in the European Parliament, Bernd Lange (SPD), in Brussels.
Malmström course would be bad for the corporations
The new Commissioner, it is obviously all about, that corporations can not claim the protection of investment before independent tribunals. Instead, the dispute shall be settled in ordinary courts – which would be a clear disadvantage for the company
The mechanisms for resolving conflicts between investors and states (ISDS. ) in trade agreements are controversial for some time. Opponents warn, companies could bring to the base of ISDS clauses the EU or individual countries to international arbitration, without going to a classic dish.
This commercial courts are usually busy with lawyers instead of full-time judges
In Germany rejects Germany’s Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) investment protection rules from -. well as the free trade agreement Ceta with Canada, which already is finished negotiated
fear of lowering consumer protection standards
Long said:. “Malmström goes a step in the right direction. We Social Democrats since the beginning of negotiations on TTIP urged that an agreement with safeguards for corporations does not come for us questioned. Our message was heard clearly. “
He now expect with confidence the hearing Malmström in Parliament, which is scheduled for this Monday. Statements by Malmström itself to the topic initially were not available.
The planned TTIP Agreement with the economic giants USA is for many critics a red cloth. They fear the lowering of consumer and environmental protection standards in Europe. The former Commission President
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