The Start menu versa zurückIm Overview: This is new for Windows 10 – ABC Online
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With the name Microsoft surprised everyone: Instead of Windows 9, the latest edition of the operating system is called Windows 10 on board, among other things, an old acquaintance: The Start menu. Online FOCUS shows the features of Windows 10th
The successor of Windows 8 does not mean about Windows 9, Windows 10, but in San Francisco Microsoft introduced the newest edition of its operating system. In Windows 10, the Start menu returns: In addition to classical items such as system control and live tiles are now integrated. Also new is that apps can also be opened in windows now. Moreover, it is in Windows 10 possible easily switch between different virtual desktops and forth.
They can, for example, different interfaces for the private use and for working set. The “Task View” feature also provides an overview of all open Apps.Wann Windows 10 appears, is not yet clear, but it will only be ready in 2015. A preview version is, however, very soon available.

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