Monday, August 11, 2014

Plastic packaging: rebellion against flood of advertising in the mailbox – Tagesspiegel

Plastic packaging: rebellion against flood of advertising in the mailbox – Tagesspiegel

10:26 clock From André Jahnke

A 18-year-old is bothered by “current purchase” of Deutsche Post in the plastic packaging of junk mail and start an online petition – 60,000 consumer support him.

Almost everyone knows the advertising magazine “Shopping News”. On Saturdays it is in the mailboxes of about 20 million households nationwide. Who the brochure but just want to throw unopened to the paper, has a problem: The booklet is wrapped in a plastic sheet. Just the other hand, is now a 18 year old Niederbayer to defend – and even places with Deutsche Post AG, which sends the magazine. “Bad enough that you can not defend against advertising. But that the booklet is wrapped in plastic, is not at all “, says Fabian Lehner from Simbach near the border with Austria.

It looks like a battle between David and Goliath.

just over two months ago, the advertising for the first time put in Lehner’s mailbox. “Just throw away is not, the bag must be in the yellow bag and the Prospectus to the paper,” he says. Whether behind a method inserted, so that the customer takes the magazine after the unveiling in hand and reads, not white Lehner. “But it is not acceptable for environmental reasons that so much plastic is wasted.”

The Post gives a 15-minute conversation on the bar table

Lehner started immediately online petition . Quickly he had nearly 60,000 supporters: “The participation has been surprised me.” It seems as if the young man who is involved in the volunteer fire department and the SPD, the nerve taken many. In his petition reads: “According to German environmental aid, the amount totaled to this unnecessary film packaging, which envelop the television and the advertising brochures, per year to around 2,886 tonnes, equivalent to the annual amount of plastic packaging of some 83,000 citizens.”

The excitement was also the post office is not hidden, which invited Lehner. He went to Nuremberg and handed a CD with the petition and the signatures. “Really taken seriously has to me and my concerns but not,” he says. At a high table in the hall someone have it received. “When I tried to explain the background, I was fobbed off. After 15 minutes I was back out of the building. “The competent department must examine the case, it said.

” Although Mr. Lehner is only 18 years old, we take his concerns very seriously, “says Post spokesman Erwin Nier. The petition had taken a senior product manager. After an examination, it will give an answer in the coming weeks.

When recycling film and paper are separated

“purchase date” is a product of the post. 2003, the issue was first distributed, since the market is growing steadily. In the inner part inserted advertising. “The desire of our advertisers is the program to send clean and dry,” said Nier. Tests had shown that the thin polyethylene film is under consideration of raw material use, energy consumption, water consumption in the production and weight currently the most gentle ecological envelope. The receiver may very well throw the whole booklet including film, advises Nier. The paper industry has assured that paper and foil would cleanly separated for recycling. Who does not want to have the book, was to stick the note “No advertising” on his mailbox. Should it land in the mailbox, this is a mistake of the deliverer.

More than one and a half years, a lawyer from Lüneburg had successfully sued the Post. He had received “Shopping aktuell”, although he had repeatedly protested in writing against the delivery of the booklet. A label “advertising – no thank you” did not want to attach it to his mailbox the lawyer. The judge at the district court Lüneburg agreed with him and relied in its decision on the Article 2 of the Basic Law, which guarantees the self-determination right of every citizen. ( AP)


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