Consumers can expect, for example, with cheaper potatoes, however. With about 50 million tons of grain around five percent more were brought in from the fields as in the 2013 harvest, as the Farmers’ Association announced on Tuesday, according to preliminary data. Recently such a high level was reached in 2008. Revenues fell but regionally very different. Also, fruit vegetable growers expect good overall yields, hail damage usually were limited.
Bauer President Joachim Rukwied said in cereals in 2014 was been achieved an above-average harvest. However, were recorded in the south and west of Germany some significant losses. Due to unfavorable weather with storm, heavy rain and hail was the harvest in some regions become “a real cliffhanger”. In the eastern countries still stand third of the wheat in the fields. Moist grain must be some places specially dried
In winter wheat as the main cereal in Germany the harvested amount rose to just over 26 million tonnes -. Almost 1.6 million tonnes more than last year. Also in oilseed rape and winter barley, there were increases. In the rye harvest is likely to fall considerably, however, after the crops have been greatly reduced. The rain at harvest completion expected maize and sugar beet still benefit.
In view larger quantities harvested on the world market prices have currently come under strong pressure, explained the Farmers’ Union. Thus, the producer price is now up for winter wheat at about 150 euros per tonne, after it had been 180 euros in the previous year. For products that are not processed further elaborate, such as potatoes should fall in producer prices also among customers in the supermarket arrive Rukwied made clear.
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