The SHI -Spitzenverband said on Wednesday in Berlin shortly after the start of the first round of negotiations with the accredited Physicians (KBV) of the fees for 2015: “In these exorbitant demands can only incredulous shake of the head.”
The SHI According to calculations, the five billion correspond to about 15 percent fee for the coming year. Anders would be expected that on average 38 000 euros more for each contract physician and psychotherapists. Add up to the 166,000 euros practice income, of which the Federal Statistical Office go out with the current demand, “increased the average fee per contract physician at 200,000 euros,” said the Statutory Health Insurance Funds Association.
The demands of the KBV obviously relate only to 2015 First, the doctors had also brought a gradual increase this week. KBV-chief Andreas streets had explained before the first round of negotiations that the receivables primarily from two items were composed. Repeal the budget-limit and higher doctors’ fees
according to streets for the moment would be ten percent of the medical not paid benefits – that corresponded in 2013 approximately 2.3 billion euros. With the increase in salaries, the salary of a senior physician is a guideline. This was currently at 133,000 euros a year. This panel doctors achieve a comparable income, would have a total of around three billion euros will be given in addition to the system.
The Statutory Health Insurance Funds Association also criticized that the panel doctors demanded a fee increase from an average of 38 000 euros, but “say simultaneously, leaves that to doctor appointments change to the waiting times nothing “. The do not fit together.
After Gassens view the debate should be linked to long waits in doctors’ offices to the abolition of budgeting over. Behind shorter waiting times put the expectation to deliver services faster.
The KBV negotiated for approximately 150,000 practicing physicians and psychotherapists. Of these, 130,000 own practice, so-called contract doctors and psychotherapists. More 20,000 doctors are employed in practice.
The contract doctors and psychotherapists have a “contract” with the health insurance, they are thus rewarded directly from the physicians’ associations. The 20,000 employed in a practice physicians benefit indirectly from an increase in remuneration.
The negotiators of the Statutory Health Insurance Funds Association, Johann Magnus von Stackelberg was suddenly falls ill. He was represented by the SHI-Chairman Doris Pfeiffer.
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