China’s anti-monopoly authorities continued to shoot at a German car brands. After convicted of the cartel guards corporations Audi and BMW also Mercedes-Benz now have to pay a penalty fine. The case is already creating negative headlines. The company had sold his dealership spare parts and workshop services priced at the retail
On China’s front pages -. Of the national business newspaper “National Business Daily” to the local Beijing “Chenbao” -Morgenzeitung – Daimler was accused on Monday, “to have violated the monopoly price in a vertical manner.” In other words: Daimler is said to have imposed from above prices. Spare parts for Chinese-made C-Class, the Group had sold overpriced even by 1273 percent in the eastern Chinese province of Jiangsu.
The authorities can prove their allegations, said the head of the Office of Price province Zhou Gao, according to the official Xinhua News Agency. The evidence they acquired in early July on “raids”. The price checkers Mercedes dealer searched in the five mid-sized cities of Suzhou, Wuxi, Huaian, Yangzhou and Danyang, plus the Regional Office Shanghai and Dalian large representation.
you have discovered here is that the customer parts and import parts were counted overpriced. Price Checker Zhou Gao spoke of “extremely abnormal phenomena”.
penalty notice could happig fail
Zhou acted on behalf the Reform and Development Commission (NDRC), the highest Wirtschaftsplanungs- and licensing authority of the country. She has together with the Ministry of Commerce and the regional price office oversaw the anti-monopoly actions.
In the automotive industry the cartel investigations tolerate price ranges for spare parts to three times the pro rata value of the total price of a vehicle. For calculated in the C-Class prices of the parts had twelve Mercedes cars can be bought.
A spokesman for the group in Beijing wanted to give any information . He referred to the opinion of his house after the raid in the Shanghai office. “We support the authorities in their investigation,” it said at the time
The penalty notice could for the Beijing joint venture in which Daimler holds a 49 percent minority partners, fail steep. Mercedes has lowered doppelstellig since the beginning of the investigations as all other affected nine auto companies, including U.S. manufacturers, Japan’s Toyota and Honda, its prices for spare parts and maintenance.
Appreciative words for Audi
China’s media, however, find only words of appreciation for the attitude of the Audi Group. The “People’s Daily” wrote on its website that “Audi has early admitted monopolistic misconduct., The company explicitly accepts that it must pay a penalty. To date, Audi is using this behavior alone.”
The” China Business News “already speculated that Audi with a” would get away with mild form of the fine “. It could be less than 200 million yuan (24 million euros). China’s authorities may impose fines against a company in the amount of one to ten percent of its previous year’s sales for violations of its force since 2008 monopoly laws.
would at Audi the calculated turnover in 2013 to just one percent more than 1.8 billion yuan, wrote a well-known Chinese business newspaper.
Many foreign auto companies, including twelve Japanese parts producers and dozens of dealers in China, have been waiting for fines. So far, only four BMW dealers in central China’s Hubei Province Other industries had for defrauding the customers together 1.62 million yuan to pay (about 200,000 Euros).
<"prefix_1" h2 class => concernedspokesman Shen Danyang Ministry of Commerce gave way to a question of the “world” from when the fines for Mercedes, Audi and other brands would be made known. He assured that the investigations nor directed against particular car brands abroad. All such speculations are inadmissible.
He also denied the criticism of the Beijing EU Chamber of Commerce that in China only foreign manufacturers, but not its Chinese joint venture Partner, would named as suspects. The anti-monopoly measures directed against all domestic and foreign companies, were “fair and equitable” and apply to all sectors that violate the law. It also involves companies in other sectors, such as in the food industry.
Shen sees no relationship to the anti-monopoly measures with the current slump in foreign investment. In the single month of July they fell to 16.95 percent from the same month last year. Foreign investment would be influenced by Beijing’s restructuring of the Chinese economy. So are January to July 39.7 billion dollars flowed into the service sector, 11.4 percent more than last year. In contrast, investment from abroad were in the manufacturing sector by 14.3 per cent to 25.2 billion dollars.
Administrative Authority showing her muscles
The EU Chamber of Commerce took up the concern of many foreign companies about the new campaign at first. Particularly disturbing were news about sudden investigations and raids by the administrative authority, showing their muscles. In July searched about 100 inspectors offices of Microsoft in four cities.
“China Daily” disagreed on Monday that it was a targeted campaign against foreign competitors concerns. There are affected more Chinese than foreign companies. The anti-monopoly bodies were understaffed with a few hundred employees, compared with the number of cartel investigations in Europe or the USA.
For the NDRC worked in the area only 46 officials at headquarters and up to 150 regional employees. The newspaper called extra staff in the Department of Commerce, at the price control offices and law offices, but without giving specific figures. The political and administrative status of the anti-monopoly authorities is also relatively inferior compared to the powers that have the powerful state-owned enterprises.
outlook dim a
German car companies, meanwhile, hold still. They hope that they can get away with fines and that goes fast. They fear for their position as a market leader in its most important car sales country in the world, they should remain in the public talk.
Here, the outlook gloomy However, a. In the single month of July car sales for the first time fell to 1.36 million sold cars, 13.2 percent less than last month, reported Monday the “Beijing News” on the basis of new sales figures from the Association of Chinese automotive industries.
The Delle cope with German and U.S. automakers so far, with growth that still lie well above the economic growth. By contrast, in July especially the Japanese automaker and the last eleven months writing negative numbers-Chinese clean car producer had left behind.
The market share of China’s own brands is still 33 , 8 percent of the total market fell to 29.9 percent in 2013, in 2009. In contrast, built the three German car manufacturers, including leading by far Volkswagen Group, BMW and Mercedes, their share of the Chinese auto market continues. They came to 21.5 percent in the first seven months of 2014 A year earlier the figure was 19.6 percent in the same period.
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