17:52 clock
The slight economic weakness not yet reached the labor market. On the contrary. Recently, there were 42.5 million employed persons in this country – not more 340,000 more than a year ago and so many since the early 1990s. On the vocational training market it is difficult for many companies, meanwhile, ever to find apprentices. According to the German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) were alone in the field of IHKen last year 80,000 training places can not be filled.
Almost got 30 percent of the companies their locations not occupied. And this year it is not better. The current trend is for GCIC President Eric Schweitzer a “foretaste of the coming skills shortage”.
Berlin establishments are last in education
The unions throw the Company shall, however, the problem to exacerbate itself; almost four-fifths of all companies not emerged. Young people in particular with Hauptschule and middle school completion “create too often still not the leap from school to training,” said Elke Hannack, deputy chairman of the DGB. In Berlin form according to the DGB even only about 15 percent of the farms from. “Berlin is the worst performer in national comparison,” says Doro Zinke, DGB-chief of Berlin-Brandenburg annoyed. Even the not-perfect candidate was entitled to an education. There were “training support, various mentoring projects and the like in Berlin”.
prong engages so the hint from the economy to what many young people are not trainable. Even the DIHK met with a recent survey on the training plans of 13,000 companies again on the subject. According to Schweitzer, although the companies are taking increasingly weak trainees, but that the displeasure over climb “not sufficient math and German spoken again to clear”. Furthermore, the company would “shortcomings in the motivation, resilience and discipline” complain.
More and more young people are attracted to the Uni
In addition to the quality of the economy also make plain the create on demographics and the trend towards college. This year there are 53 000 school leavers less than in 2013, and “in 2025 we will again 120,000 graduates have less than even 2014″, Schweitzer, who officiated as President of the Berlin Chamber of Commerce said. And then it draws the potential trainees also to the universities and colleges. Last year 507,000 young people began a course of study which was about a third more than ten years ago.
With various measures, the companies try to keep contrast and make the dual education attractive. About by special training opportunities, abroad or premiums. “Businesses are adapting to the digital natives and try to win over the Internet new apprentices,” added Achim Dercks from the general management of the DIHK. Finally, would always offer internships and more businesses. All in all there is in this country some 350 apprenticeships, of which are, however, about half of young people with a “low” degree hardly in question. Therefore, the unions appeal for a long time on the farms, to open also for weaker trainees. In fact, the “matching problems,” (DBG Vice Hannack) have greatly increased. Tens of thousands of seats remain vacant at the same time depend almost 270,000 young people in so-called queues. Youth unemployment in this country is only at first glance relatively small, as 2.2 million persons 20 to 34 years have no vocational qualification. They have little more than the use in precarious jobs.
Around five million people are slightly
Of the 42.5 million workers who have counted middle of the year, the statisticians are approximately five million marginally employed. About 4.5 million are self-employed, and 2.5 million earn their money as officials and soldiers. Broken down by industry have the areas Civil Service / education / health, and trade / transportation / hospitality industry, with around ten million, most workers from the industry (almost eight million).
With nearly 30 million is by far the largest part of the workforce employed social insurance contributions. That’s two million more than a decade ago. At that time there were five million unemployed, today there are less than three million. That in recent years has been a significant increase in employment, despite the relatively low growth, is related to the decline in employment threshold; the threshold indicates the growth that is at least required to make new jobs.
According to the employer-Institut der deutschen Wirtschaft this threshold halved from 2000 to 2011 to 0.5 percent. Reasons for the Agenda 2010 reforms are repeatedly cited, specifically the expansion of mini-jobs and the agency as well as tougher criteria for receipt of unemployment benefit and Hartz IV analog to these explanatory patterns warn employers now face the negative employment effects of recent government policy. Introducing the statutory minimum wage and restrictions on temporary work contracts and could cost hundreds of thousands of jobs.

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