Germany is a country of prosperity. But in many regions of the social decline is a reality. A study of the IW Cologne has now found out where there is really poverty in Germany – and what policy can do about it
Germany is a country of prosperity.. As a land of opportunity, come to the immigrants when they are looking for better job opportunities and a high quality of life. Germany’s economy is a job engine, which has made the country rich
But we do it, the ugly side of economic boom. Poverty. People in Germany do not have enough money to buy food themselves. You most need it missing: winter clothes, a decent bed, hot meals. Hobbies are certainly out of the question. They lack any quality of life.
poverty is in German cities at home
From France we know the pictures: The rebellions of the poor on the outskirts, in the “banlieues”. Also in Germany, poor people, especially in big cities are home. This is evidenced by a new study by the Institute of Economics in Cologne. “Arm”, which are in Germany people who have less than 60 percent of the median income available
The result of the IW-researchers. In rural areas, only 14 percent of the population are poor, while in cities are 22 percent. Leader among the poverty-cities is Cologne with 26 percent. No. 2 follows Dortmund before the West Berlin . In Duisburg and Bremerhaven the numbers are also alarmingly high. Even in cities that actually apply as business centers, live many of the poor: In Frankfurt and Dusseldorf 23 percent of the population live in poverty
. these regions is the relative purchasing power poverty rate in 2012 lowest:
These are the regions with the highest purchasing power:
And the situation continues to deteriorate further between 2006 and 2012, the poverty rate rose in cities by 2.5 percent. In rural areas it remained almost the same.
IW measures the poverty with the purchasing power
The special feature of the IW study: The researchers regional price levels in their study incorporate with. Because life in Germany is different expensive – and so is the income poverty measure as inadequate. In Munich, a single needs 1030 Euro to be able to afford so much can as an average citizen who has 870 Euro available
870 EUR. This is the current bunde wide threshold, are considered by the people as poor. Therefore, the researchers speak not now of an income but by a purchasing power poverty.
life in cities more expensive
This allows researchers to depict the regional poverty in Germany. A useful measure because: in German cities such as Munich, Berlin or Cologne prices are more than six per cent higher than in rural areas. Also the gap between East and West Germany is seven percent enormous.
Considering only the income, is Germany still divided into West and East. While the poverty rate in the West rarely rises above 16 percent poverty are lights in the east to Red: In most areas it is around 20 percent – or even higher.
Strong urban-rural gradient
but it takes into account the purchasing power back Germany’s regions together much more closely. Example Thuringia: On average, the regions have here an income poverty rate of 17 percent. Taking the purchasing power basis has Thuringia but suddenly the third lowest rate (14 percent) of all 16 states.
however replaced by a new gradient in the calculation of the researchers to light: between country and city. In the countryside, only 14 percent of the people are poor, while 22 percent are in the city
Video:. How to actually measure poverty?
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