Thursday, August 21, 2014

On the death of Klaus Zapf: The rebellious capitalist – Spiegel Online

On the death of Klaus Zapf: The rebellious capitalist – Spiegel Online

How would react now a law student, when he said the assistant of the professor: “Do whatever else you have other talents”? Furniture Pack for example. This is exactly what happened Klaus Zapf. In today’s law schools, by reformatted and aligned streamlined, that would be an affront, at least the trigger of a deep identity crisis. Furniture Pack! For Klaus Zapf but there was evidence that he may have actually made the wrong career choice. Since then he has internalized the simple sentence: Do always what you can. “I could not do much, but what I could, I did.” And that was furniture packing.

And just why he has become a self-made millionaire. Oh, that word alone would have driven him to incandescence. Him, the shaggy with beer belly and a white beard, which one would have slipped perhaps a few cents in the subway, because you thought he was in need.

Out of the smugness of Ländles

in the early seventies came Zapf from Kraichgau in Baden-Württemberg in Berlin, to avoid military service. When he arrived, PTO must have realized that he is not only evaded the military service, but also the narrowness, the smugness, the conformism of the then Ländles. Zapf appeared with lust one into the left milieu of the free part of the city and gave himself all the quirks out the one as ordinary linker just had so: let hair grow long, mugs, politicize, occupy houses. Rudi Dutschke he counted among his friends.

But it is in the nature of squatting that you have to frequently move times. And organized journal with a battered Ford Transit. From 1975 emblazoned on the cart for the first time an official company logo: Power-removals. The striking globe it “borrowed” it is at the Berlin “Tagesspiegel”, only he replaced the motto of the newspaper by his own: “Mens agitat molem”, the mind moves the mass, instead of “Rerum cognoscere causas”, the heart of the problem . go

With the arrival to Berlin and his company grew, today it is established in 14 cities in Germany and promises – in the spirit of left – Lowest prices, so next Maserati and cyclists will enjoy a packing service. But the Alt-Left also arranged a large part of the move of the government from Bonn to Berlin. So much business with the state capitalistic organization could then still be – even though he allegedly had to pay off only a minimal salary and managing long time collecting bottles whose mortgage he cashed for food at net.

Quirky or astute? Patronizing or greedy?

Zapf you never knew exactly how much was left to his personality staging and how much authentic. Quirky or astute? Patronizing or greedy? Egocentric or engaging? He even boasted that his company owned by the workforce was, but the staff knew about it apparently nothing. There were complaints and corrections, at some point it was called “partially owned” the workforce. But that was true only in well Zapf’s imagination. Ultimately, Zapf moves a normal acting business operation as those which he, as he largely retired from active professional life, sued with passion. With his new company Pomoschnik Rabotajet GmbH (“the helper works”), he became the terror of the general meetings. He bought shares of ThyssenKrupp and Salzgitter, by Allianz and Axa or the Springer group – only to these companies to become entangled in legal skirmishes. “I always sue the company if the kidding its shareholders.”

You have to probably say so: Power was a torn man. He became a media figure who appeared regularly on talk shows, which was discussed in gossip columns – at the latest when he married a woman who advertised in the newspaper had “wanted Millionaire”.

nonconformist and Homeless

He enjoyed playing the role of underdog. But the same journal also said he had no friends, he often quoted Nietzsche: “Man is to me an imperfect thing, love for man would kill me.” He once said in the Baden beautiful, freedom is, at night to go to the fridge “to eat meat sausage ne, and none asks: Why What’s wrong What are you doing?” To never be exposed to such issues, was “the greatest happiness in life”. Besides his passion perhaps, the Weißdorntee. The could be four, five brew, and “there already tasted the first batch of cheese feet”.

Although many Zapf regarded as Berlin institution, he has always remained Baden. “At home, I’m not still in Berlin,” he said recently. Home is Eppingen. “If I had business problems, I mentally just a walk made towards Adelshof, and I was again very cooool.” How fitting that journal now did not die in Berlin, but in his hometown Eppingen. Of a heart attack. The unsettled life called well but its toll.


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