Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel will drive consolidation and Europeanization of the German armaments industry. It is not useful if 28 EU states made all her own thing in the armor, the SPD leader said after a meeting with some 20 works council chiefs German armaments factories in Berlin on Tuesday. At the same time he pointed Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) to a large share of responsibility for the preservation of the military industry in Germany. The debate should not revolve solely around arms exports, Gabriel emphasized. An increase in due to tight budgets, lowered expenditure for the maintenance of military equipment could contribute to the preservation of military operations. The federal government must clarify what core competencies should be obtained in Germany and what role the armed forces play here. It’ll go about the question, which would line defense projects in the future with the German army. Then he could give as economy minister no answer. Demands from the defense industry for clearer statements about which exports are eligible for approval in future and which are not, Gabriel rejected. The guidelines are sufficiently clear. Exports to third countries outside the EU and NATO were then to allow only exceptionally.
“What makes Gabriel, is in my opinion a threat to national security”, said the economic spokesman of the CDU parliamentary group in the Bundestag, Joachim Pfeiffer (CDU), Deutsche Presse-Agentur. This Tuesday, Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) meets with German works councils arms companies in Berlin.
Pfeiffer threw Gabriel ago, Germany to harm with his strict line. “Without a political debate in the coalition export inquiries be revoked or be left behind.” Even allies like Japan and Australia were suspicious for inquiries at once. So going questioned Germany’s alliance capability and reliability.
SPD Vice Ralf Stegner other hand, requires a significant restriction of exports. “I am clear that we no longer supply weapons to areas of tension or dictatorships like under black-yellow” Stegner said the dpa. “You have to say the works clear: We want to help you, but deliveries, for example, to Saudi Arabia you can forget.”
Exports to countries outside of the EU and NATO – so-called third countries – were in 2013 at record high increased. Last year, the then-black-yellow government had approved of the CDU and FDP arms exports totaling 8.34 billion euros. Most goods went to Algeria (825.7 million euros), Qatar (673.4 million), the USA (610.7 million), Saudi Arabia (361 million) and Indonesia (295.7 million .). The SPD had promised a substantial reduction in exports during the election campaign.

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