Rebel: Moving entrepreneur Klaus Zapf EH
A long procession portrait of businessman Klaus EH To write Zapf, which belonged for many years to the tasks of every journalist working in Berlin, as well as the production of a warm-hearted reportage after a day on the racing track. On Thursday, his company said, Zapf had died at 62 of a heart attack. In recent years, found his name frequently in the business section of the newspaper than in Vermischte. For he was a notorious “professional plaintiff”, one who threatened as a shareholder to block certain decisions of a company if it does not come against him. “I’m not a small shareholder, I am a stray cricket,” he told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
It all started with the assertion on the big yellow moving truck with the blue inscription: “Zapf Moving – owned by the workforce.” The forbade them after some time not with truth. Because the boss was and remained true minded anti-capitalist, but was nevertheless chefig enough to distribute his company in any way. 1975, the law student started the decluttering, which soon proved so successful that the law school fell by the wayside, but not being right. It continued with the distinctive EH Klaus Zapf, which only Unsuspecting with “Klaus honorary” translated, in reality it stood for Klaus Emil Heinrich Zapf, policemen son of Eppingen in Baden.
He had a clear view, lived – if one disregards the many beer and cheap sweets – personally unassuming and made off with his insights into the nature and customs of the restless relocating Berlin a popular interviewee: a left haulage firm without a license! Among Red Green Zapf complained about Gerhard Schröder and Joschka Fischer, he reported candidly about his – later discarded -. Habit to collect empty bottles and cashing out the deposit
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That he had found a woman by “wanted Millionaire” on the ad answered, belonged to the Zapf folklore as his realization that the Willing has become increasingly easier, because people were moved away from the heavy furniture. During a home visit before the quote, betrayed Zapf rich, one look to see whether more or less than ten cubic meters of household goods are moved.
He believed that “it is easier through life, if you do alittle bit stupid”, but “stupid” meant not stupid, but eccentric in his case. Zapf was the rare case of a self-made man who did not do so, as he had come to Budapest shoes, firmer tie and matching philosophy to the world.
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