23.08.2014, 08:14 clock | dpa

It was only in April 3800 attended pilot strikes for canceled flights at Lufthansa. (Source: AP)
Lufthansa -Passagiere have already expect massive pilot strikes again. In the middle of the holiday season, the Vereinigung Cockpit (VC) announced a walkout that could begin “immediately”. But It should not hit a passenger suddenly. Reason for the strike is a dispute on the transitional pension for pilots. Therefore, several thousand were already in April flights being canceled.
Cockpit declared the negotiations in a message failed. The exact dates will strike the union announce in advance – and in sufficient time that no passenger should be at the boarding gate without warning, as spokesman Jörg Handwerg said. For more details, he did not call.
Lufthansa can not understand
In April, the sharpest strikers in Lufthansa’s history had led to about 3,800 flight cancellations decision affected over the three days 425,000 passengers. In the conflict is about higher salaries and transition pensions for the 5400 pilots at Lufthansa, German Wings and Lufthansa Cargo.
After the strike, both sides had the negotiations resumed behind closed doors and with the help of a moderator. But the Lufthansa have their “sweeping claims” maintained that would not mean acceptable cuts in the supply of pilots, cockpit said now.
From the Lufthansa came criticism. “We regret the decision of the Vereinigung Cockpit much to explain the negotiations had failed and to terminate industrial action. This decision is in no way understandable,” the company said.
The Lufthansa was at any time ready to talk and wanted to continue the negotiations. The company said that it had also submitted proposals already improved in the dispute
union. There has been no concrete offer
Cockpit spokesman Handwerg said that Lufthansa had “a concrete and submit negotiate competitive offer “to avert the strike. “This must finally be done once. That’s not happened so far.”
VC-president Ilya Schulz reported that the pilots would have signaled a willingness to compromise. “To come in negotiations to solutions that but both sides must want We will now continue to fight against the clear-cutting, the company is planning..” Inconvenience to the customer regret the VC.
In April, the airline had maintained with around 190 volunteer pilots, including some 100 managers with a pilot’s license about ten percent of the normal range. The group then estimated the economic damage caused by the strike at a high double-digit millions. The airports of Munich and Frankfurt spoke of losses in the millions.
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