Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Housing in Germany: Experts want to build floors on buildings – n-tv.de NEWS



 Tuesday, 15 March 2016


 In Germany housing missing. How can this be created? In the real estate sector now circulating on a particular idea: In existing houses simply to another floor to it built. So could 1.5 million new dwellings arise.



Experts estimate that in Germany approximately 1.5 million new homes can be caused by the increase of houses. This emerges from a study of the Technical University (TU) Darmstadt and the Pestel Institute.

Thus, could alone about 580,000 multi-family houses from the years 1950 to 1990 constructions are built by one floor. So 1.12 million homes could be created. 420,000 more homes could result in buildings that were built even before the 1950s.

When selecting buildings that are eligible for a roof-increase in question was, according to the TU Darmstadt the conservation and preservation the cityscape considered. For the envisaged Flats investigating an average size of 85 square meters went out.

Many benefits by increasing

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“The potential is enormous,” the researcher Karsten Tichelmann explained by the TU Darmstadt. The scientists see numerous advantages: no additional land was needed; the necessary infrastructure to channel or supply lines is already in place. In addition, could be improved by increasing the energy demand of the floor below reduce. . But necessary, are incentives and special depreciation for such measures

initiators of the study are eleven organizations and associations of the German planning, construction and real estate trade – including the IG Bauen-Agrar-Umwelt (IG BAU), the Federal Chamber of Architects , the Association of Private builders and the Central Association of German Construction.

  Source: n-tv.de


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