Sunday, March 27, 2016

New Monopoly Commission chief criticizes Gabriel for Edeka-Tengelmann fusion – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

May thanks to ministerial approval to merge. Kaiser’s Tengelmann and Edeka

the new head of the monopolies Commission, Achim Wambach, has the ministerial approval of Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) criticized the acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann by Edeka and thus its retired predecessor Daniel Room strengthen the back. “Full employment is a goal of economic policy,” Wambach told the newspaper “Welt am Sonntag”. This is “not to be equated with the preservation of jobs in a company”.

“In the present case it is not about structural unemployment,” Wambach said. The Monopolies Commission therefore voted unanimously against granting ministerial approval. At the same time Wambach regretted the resignation of his predecessor rooms. This had used in his nearly eight-year term with great commitment to the strengthening of competition in Germany.

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Room had resigned last week. He cited the same day announced by Gabriel permit for the acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann supermarkets by the retail giant Edeka. Gabriel ministerial approval was “an extremely problematic economic policy,” said Room. The Monopolies Commission had strictly opposed the takeover.

Edeka allowed for five years does not pass according to Gabriel’s decision, the approximately 450 stores of Kaiser’s Tengelmann to independent Edeka retailers and must exclude compulsory redundancies in this period. After the five year valid for a further two years dismissal protection for Kaiser’s employees, should be taken over their branch

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special permit Gabriel makes way for Edeka-Tengelmann Fusion free

German Economics Minister Sigmar Gabriel has a special permit for the merger of Edeka and Tengelmann issued. So Gabriel would be defeated by the merger prohibition by the Bundeskartellamt. Condition: Edeka gets the jobs for the nearly 16,000 employees of Kaiser’s Tengelmann for at least five years More

03.17.2016, 19:34 | Economy


Comment Room drumbeat

economy Minister Gabriel has the merger of Edeka and Tengelmann issued a special permit. So harsh rarely a Minister has brushed aside the advice of experts. The head of the Monopolies Commission resigns however. What a character!
More From Helmut Bünder

17.03. 2016 19:17 | Economy


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