Only a third of the population is, according to a survey from being able to live off the state pension. A majority favored higher premiums.
the confidence of Germans decreases in their pensions: According to a survey by the polling institute TNS Infratest now goes only about one third of the population expect to live well from the statutory pension. Six out of ten German citizens advocating higher pension contributions for employers and employees, if the standard of living in old age would be secured approximately in this way,
The IG Metall board member Hans-Juergen Urban called “performance improvements in the legal retirement”. What was needed was a solidary pension to which participated all workers, Urban told the newspaper: “The self-employed and civil servants are purely in the public pension system.” In the survey, 79 percent also had advocated such a pension for all.
hadTNS Infratest interviewed in mid-February 1046 voters on behalf of IG Metall , Especially great was therefore skepticism among 18- to 34-year-olds: Only 22 percent of them expect to live well from the statutory pension. Three-quarters of them do not expect that their pension will be enough once. 60 percent of the younger generation also expressed little or no confidence in the pension system as a whole.
According to IG Metall board Urban the pessimistic view of the younger generation is completely justified. According to the current interim high with strong pension increases the level will drop significantly from 2021, he said. The meet, especially the young generation. This would also because of a long training and changing forms of employment “significantly shorter periods of insurance” have and thus reach a lower pension.

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