DIHK survey: Every second company complains of barriers to trade – THE WORLD
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Every second company complains of barriers
too many local regulations to complicated customs regulations: 52 percent of German companies complain According to a survey on barriers to foreign trade – caused in part by Brussels.
Too many local regulations to complicated customs regulations: 52 percent of German companies complain According to a survey on barriers to foreign trade – caused in part by Brussels
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A survey by the German chamber of Commerce day According complain 52 percent of companies barriers
to foreign trade Photo: AP
The overseas German corporations see their businesses affected by trade barriers. A third of companies suit about having to bridge new barriers every year, reported the “Sueddeutsche Zeitung” on Wednesday, citing a survey by the German Chamber of Commerce (DIHK).
Approximately 52 percent of the 2,000 companies surveyed that are active abroad, complained this special safety requirements or local certifications. The States would “more creative, to block access to their markets,” according to the report said DIHK foreign trade boss Volker Treier.
Higher import duties and taxes on the other hand do not matter much more. “What were earlier trade tariffs, are now additional, often unnecessary local regulations.”
Especially businesses with emerging economies would be complex. What was most difficult obviously in Eastern and Southern Europe as well as in Russia, complain about 75 percent of the active companies there. Much, however, due to the mutual sanctions between Russia and the EU – Brussels recently extended sanctions against Russia because of the annexation of the Crimea and the destabilization of eastern Ukraine
in trade with China, according to the newspaper report, complain 44 percent of the companies on barriers to trade in the US, there are 29 percent. About 90 percent of them are in favor of, develop simpler rules under TTIP and faster processing at US Customs. Approximately 88 percent are in favor of harmonizing different standards.
Reuters / ith
Why the terrorism threatens our prosperity
Europe’s economy has borne through the terror of the past never permanent damage. The markets calmed down again quickly. But the terrorist attacks in Brussels are now a different case, economists warn Source:.! The World
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