Achim Wambach: New Monopoly Commission chief criticizes Gabriel – THE WORLD
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the new star among German economists
After economy Minister Gabriel had the acquisition of Kaiser’s allowed by Edeka, entered Monopolkommission Chefzimmer resigned in protest. And his successor is completely on his side.
After Economy Minister Gabriel had the acquisition of Kaiser’s allowed by Edeka, entered Monopolkommission Chefzimmer in protest. And his successor is entirely on his side
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Photo: AP Cologne economist Achim Wambach
He is the new star among German economists. On April 1, Achim Wambach takes office as president of the Center for European Economic Research (ZEW), one of the most prestigious economic research institutes. As the future leader of the main German economists Association, the Association for Social Policy, Wambach is already set.
And since this week has studied physicist a third important position held: The 48 year old was appointed as the new head of the Monopolies Commission, which in the Federal Government issues competition policy advises.
Wambach, previously since 2014 ordinary member of the Monopolies Commission, equally clear that he will be uncomfortable. He renewed criticism of the Monopolies Commission at the ministerial approval of Federal Minister Sigmar Gabriel (SPD) for the acquisition of Kaiser’s Tengelmann by Edeka.
“full employment is a goal of economic policy. But this is not to be equated with the preservation of jobs in a company. In the present case it is not a structural unemployment, “Wambach told the” Welt am Sonntag “. The Monopolies Commission therefore voted unanimously against the ministerial approval.
Gabriel had defied the non-binding recommendation of its Advisory Board and the merger last week issued a special permit. He justified this by grounds of public interest such as the preservation of workers’ rights.
then resigned monopoly commission chief Daniel room in protest, and Wambach was named to succeed. “We regret the resignation of Daniel rooms very” says Wambach. he had room campaigned enthusiastically for the strengthening of competition
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