Berlin – Twitter has called on his tenth birthday first figures to use the short message service in Germany
Accordingly, around twelve million people coming every month on the Twitter platform. This number is composed of the notified Twitter members and users, they watch tweets without being logged in. Twitter made on Sunday has not indicated how composed the twelve million of it.
Worldwide Twitter is usually measured by the number of active members, the service use account. They stood at 320 million – or at 305 million if users of SMS service is withdrawn. In addition, there are, according to Twitter 500 million people who see tweets without be logged. The German number of twelve million is therefore internationally comparable with the added value of more than 800 million users.
Twitter also calls no comparative figures for Germany recent years. But there was a positive development, said Germany boss Thomas de Buhr. “Throughout the 2014 World Cup there were approximately 3.3 million tweets to in Germany,” he said. Now five million tweets were in February this year in the week-long action “#Twitterstar” to select the most popular web video Stars submitted.
Twitter celebrates on Monday its tenth anniversary on 21 March 2006, the co-founder and current CEO Jack Dorsey sent the first message. The company from San Francisco fights to date with problems. The once rapid growth in user numbers is over, the stock is stuck in the price basement, in the balance sheet are for each quarter in the red.
Twitter makes its money “promoted” Advertising in the form of so-called tweets, trends or profiles – companies pay for it, that it be shown to users. In Germany the marketing function very well, de Buhr said. He was not worried that users would flooded with such ads: “We have previously made little to no advertising and are still now under the potential of what is possible. We are not so much for ads, that it interferes with the user. “
For European Football Championship in the summer of Twitter in Germany is planning a cooperation with the specialists outdoor advertising Ströer, to be displayed at the tweets on the screens of the company. “That’s for Ströer a way its brand customers with exclusive content and us it allows greater reach,” said de Buhr.
made The manager has not indicated when Twitter could bring its format “Moments” to Germany, will be bundled with the interesting tweets about current events in one place.
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