VW manipulated world measurement data at eleven million vehicles in Germany alone, the Group must recall 2.4 million diesel cars. The leadership of the group knew well before the manipulations in the United States, as initially added
The facts:. Michael Horn, US reaches head of Volkswagen and the flue gas crisis inglorious fame, is leaving the company. (9.3 / 22:37) The exhaust gas crisis at Volkswagen will soon arrive in the management of the Group: Every tenth point will be deleted, it is said from the group’s circles (10.3 / 12:45). In addition, Volkswagen is said to have his cheating software or updated, as the US authorities the companies were on the trail already. (10.3 / 20:40)
Investors pushing for reforms
Wednesday, March 30 07:05: Several investors Volkswagen AG increase in the wake of diesel affair pressure on the government of Lower Saxony. The “Bild” newspaper on Wednesday with reference to financial circles. Representatives of several funds were therefore the Lower Saxony Prime Minister Stephen Weil (SPD) know that this should push for reforms in the corporate structure of the supervisory board.
The CEO of Volkswagen AG, Matthias Müller, on the other hand requires more time. “We said early on that we want to use the crisis as an opportunity fundamentally realign the Group: the structures, the mentality and leadership culture and our strategy,” he said according to the report. But that does not succeed “overnight,” added Müller.
Transport Minister Alexander Dobrindt (CSU) requires half a year after the announcement of the diesel affair at Volkswagen Enlightenment, as the report said further. “I expect that those responsible for the scandal clearly identified and held accountable,” Dobrindt said. The group plans to present its own results to the exhaust scandal in the second half of April. Volkswagen had admitted that it had installed in millions of diesel models called Defeat Devices for deception in emission levels.
<- finance-chart.tag!: {"M_LINK":"http://m.finanzen100.de/aktien/volkswagen-vz-wkn-766403_H801726886_83057/","PERF_PCT":"-1,57%","PRICE":"113,05","NAME":"Volkswagen Vz.","PERF_PCT_RAW":-1.5673,"WWW_LINK":"http://www.finanzen100.de/aktien/volkswagen-vz-wkn-766403_H801726886_83057/","CURRENCY":"EUR","PERF_ABS_RAW":-1.8,"PRICE_RAW":113.05,"CHART_URL":"http://c.finanzen100.de/bwcharts/images/finanzen100/intraday/fol_small.png?ID_INSTRUMENT=83057&key.codeMarket=DE%21%40DE%21W%24%24%21%40W%24%24","PERF_ABS":"-1,80"} ->
- 1.80 (- 1, 57%)
US trade authority FTC sued VW in the exhaust scandal
17:15 Volkswagen has to deal with another explosive action in the affair manipulated emissions. The US trade authority FTC (Federal Trade Commission) announced on Tuesday in Washington, to have a process initiated for misleading advertising for the affected diesel cars. The Authority accuses the automaker to have sold from 2008 to 2015 more than 550,000 diesel under false pretenses in the US. "Our suit seeks compensation for consumers who bought these cars because of fraudulent and unfair practices," said FTC president Edith Ramirez.
"We have received the complaint and continue our collaborative work with all US- authorities, including the Federal Trade Commission continue, "said a VW Group spokesman in Wolfsburg on Tuesday.
Personal Board buys VW shares at a bargain price
Wednesday, 29 March 17.00: Volkswagen personnel chief Karlheinz Blessing has mid-February used the opportunity and cheap VW -Aktien. A native of Baden-Württemberg bought 100 preference shares for a unit price of 98.10 euros, as the carmaker announced in a mandatory release. For reasons of transparency, the key figures in the Group must disclose their transactions in company stock. Blessing bought - at least according to current state - at a good time: The preference share before flying up the exhaust scandal at about 170 euros. Previous low was 92 euros in early October. Currently the advantages of note at about 113 euros
From the recent peak, the papers are far away. About a year ago, in mid-April 2015 the price of one preferred share 253 Euro. Blessing since January in office, he followed Horst Neumann. The price of the Volkswagen share (assets)
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