Sunday, March 20, 2016

VW scandal in news ticker: He wants to seven billion euros: Investors lawyer … – ABC Online

Updated Sunday, 03.20.2016, 17:02
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VW manipulated world measurement data at eleven million vehicles in Germany alone, the Group recalled 2.4 million diesel cars. The leadership of the group did well earlier than is known of the manipulation in the US

The facts:. Michael Horn, chief US Volkswagen and enters the exhaust gas crisis inglorious fame, is leaving the company. (9.3 / 22:37) The exhaust gas crisis at Volkswagen will soon arrive in the management of the Group: Every tenth point will be deleted from the Group states circles (10.3 / 12:45). In addition, Volkswagen is said to have his cheating software or updated, as the US authorities the companies were on the trail already. (10.3 / 20:40)

He wants to seven billion euros: investors attorney announces further action against VW at

Sunday, 20 March 17:03: is likely to play a further action in the billions in the exhaust affair on VW. But the Tübingen investors lawyer Andreas Tilp will have submitted to autumn damages actions of institutional investors for a total of seven billion euros. “This is our realistic goal”, Tilp told the “Tagesspiegel” on Monday. His goal is “that the second action is greater than the first”. Tilp confirmed this information on Sunday on request. The consortium that financed the costs of proceedings “definitely finance a further action”, said the lawyer. He expects again with a circumference of 3.5 to 4 billion euros.

In the investor-accusations it is whether VW is its duty to provide information to shareholders complied. The group had only days after the US Environmental Protection Agency its manipulation allegations on September 18 made public, informed about imminent financial consequences. The company has repeatedly reaffirmed his view that it has complied with all obligations. Many investors want to recover their losses from the sagging stock price of VW.

Tilp had filed a lawsuit to 3.255 billion euros in damages on behalf of a group of 278 institutional professional investors on Braunschweiger Land Court almost a week ago. That should go to the by far largest sum in Braunschweig. There 67 lawsuits against VW have been received, bringing a total compensation of more than EUR 3.7 billion is required by previous to the court. There were investors who complain a loss of half a billion euros alone, Tilp told the “Tagesspiegel”. “We have built up another 20 institutional investors who also want to complain. I’m sure there are a great deal more “Browse

Investigators VW inspection center in South Korea

10:12:. has the VW exhaust scandal the South Korean prosecutor reportedly an inspection center of the car manufacturer searches. Investigators have computer hard drives and documents secured with exhaust data, multiple media in South Korea reported on Friday. In the laboratory of Volkswagen Korea in about 70 kilometers south of Seoul nearby Pyeongtaek cars are tested prior to delivery. A month ago, the VW subsidiary had been target of a search in the capital Seoul.

Investigators want to determine whether at the inspection center emission levels were manipulated according to reports of the station KBS. Even Volkswagen is alleged to have arrangements not been followed and submitted only poor recall plans for more than 125 000 diesel vehicles. In January, the Ministry of Environment had however, a complaint the CEO of Audi Volkswagen Korea, Johannes Thammer complaint.

According to our own emission tests on several models of VW and Audi, the Ministry had ordered the car recalls in November. Volkswagen had fined values ​​for vehicles with diesel engines. Affected are cars with drives of the type EA189, sold mainly 2008-2015

As much as 234,000 Brockhaus volumes. Investigators despair VW data Bergen

Thursday, March 17, 12:18: Six months after flying up the exhaust affair burrow internal investigators at Volkswagen on the search for truth still by huge mountains of data. The saved documents – including the copied e-mail traffic from VW servers – includes 102 terabytes of data. This corresponds to about 7800 digital editions of the Brockhaus encyclopaedia in 30 volumes. As heard from the group, the VW employees are said to have hidden their work at the Forbidden Software partly with codewords. Many dozen of them it was now track the mountain of data and to check for suspicious.

In the second half of April, the US law firm Jones Day will submit an interim report on the question of guilt. Then should be clear how the events at that time expired in detail, and which departments and hierarchical levels when and were as informed and involved.

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