Thursday, March 24, 2016

US judge calls in ‘Dieselgate’ mass method clarity of VW – ABC Online

Thursday , 03.24.2016, 05:57
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The clock is ticking: In mammoth lawsuit with many diesel owners and car dealers and US authorities running for Volkswagen from an ultimatum.

the judge Charles Breyer had VW and the US environmental Protection agency in the exhaust scandal a deadline set up for hearing on Thursday (16.00). After dpa information VW but has asked for a portion of the process for more time.

Breyer calls for a definitive answer as to whether an agreement on a plan for the conversion of approximately 580 000 diesel is possible that in the US are affected by the affair manipulated emissions. So far could VW and the EPA can not find a compromise, and there is little evidence on a timely solution.


Should the deadline be missed, could judge Breyer order to draw the diesel vehicles off the road. The plaintiffs’ lawyers have asked him also to speed up the process. That would mean that it could come to the process faster and Volkswagen negotiation period would scarce for comparison.

Shortly before the deadline set VW to dpa information with the support of plaintiffs’ attorneys to request for an deferment for the exchange of data, an important point in the process. A Reuters report said the German group wants to work together with the US Environmental Protection Agency show that the two parties are making good progress in the efforts to reach agreement, but need more time.


VW has to deal with hundreds civil claims for fraud, breach of contract and violations of environmental laws in the affair manipulated emissions.

First of all a civil action the Justice Department on behalf of EPA, the penalties of more than $ 45 billion (€ 40bn) Calls for violations of environmental laws, is explosive for the Group. While fines in this amount are considered unlikely. But with the required sum is the bar for comparison high.


Another bone of contention in the mass process are logs and files, want to see the US investigators and plaintiffs’ lawyers and the according to VW, subject to the German data protection Act. Also in this issue Breyer had demanded clarity until

March 24.

Shortly before the ultimatum expired but there was a request for an extension. VW attorney Robert Giuffra asked the judge on Wednesday (local time) with the consent of the plaintiffs’ lawyers for a postponement of 14 days in the conflict over the provision of electronic data.


Giuffra had protested at the last hearing in February, to seek the release of the requested material. But the VW lawyer also said: “In Germany and Europe, the privacy laws are taken very, very seriously”

The focus is mainly information relating to the internal working of the diesel scandal, with the VW Law Firm. Jones Day has supervised. There should be a huge mountain of data – plaintiffs’ lawyers go about 100 terabytes of


This internal investigation could also provide evidence of who the VW management point. what information and responsibility in the exhaust scandal had. The results are sensitive, especially also run criminal investigations.

VW had given in September after allegations by the US authorities to have a manipulation software installed since 2009 widely used in diesel cars. By fraud program the emission only in the test mode is fully activated. On the road of nitrogen oxide emissions is higher by a multiple.


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