Nuremberg – After an encouraging start to the year, consumer sentiment gets a first damper. Both the income expectations and the propensity to buy of people have fallen slightly, said GfK market research company in Nuremberg.
The study is based on monthly 2000 interviews with consumers. The recent terrorist attacks in Brussels had not yet been included in the survey, said GfK expert Rolf Bürkl the German Press Agency.
When consumer confidence index, the institute predicts April 9.4 points – to 9.5 meters in March. Consumer expectations for the development of the economy has reportedly deteriorated in some important markets mainly because of weak demand for German products. The speculation about the further economic development of key emerging economies such as Brazil and China was “obviously not without consequences,” said Bürkl.
In the economy had fear the industry before continuing weak growth in some exporting countries recently printed on the mood. However, the recent Ifo Business Climate Index of last Tuesday showed some brightening again. Since the business climate affecting mostly with four weeks delay to the economic expectations of consumers, there is prospect of a stable development of the consumer climate.
Thanks also to the persistent employment highs and continued low energy prices are the prospects for consumption from today’s perspective well. That income expectations have lost about two thirds of its growth from the previous month, was no reason for pessimism. “This is still a very high value. The income optimism is more than 50 points still fully in tact, “ruled Bürkl. could have a positive effect soon the announced pension increase: “Against the background of a currently existing inflation means that real more remains in your wallet.”
A risk factor for consumer sentiment remain the terror – as recently in Brussels. The attacks in Paris have recently shown, however no significant influence on German consumer sentiment. “That would certainly be different if it would come to a stop in Germany itself,” Bürkl said.
Presseportal GfK
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