Saturday, 26 March 2016
From click to ringing in less than 120 minutes? In the German capital the Internet retailer Amazon is preparing allegedly in self-direction, a new lining concept before. Within just two hours to the ordered goods arrive at the customer.
The retail giant Amazon wants a newspaper report that the future surrender in Berlin packets within two hours. The company let it already on Berlin’s Kurfürstendamm build a camp, reported the “world”. The newspaper on the basis that the Berlin Transport Company. Amazon itself would neither confirm nor deny the plans.
The delivery is to take place in the capital from May, six days a week via courier companies that are already working in Berlin according to the report. In the former electrical wholesale store on the Kurfürstendamm a warehouse with more than 10,000 articles from the Amazon listing should occur.
On Amazon’s site in Koblenz put workers on Easter Saturday stopped work. The strike was to last all day, said the union Verdi. In recent days there had been in Koblenz strikes of the US company employees. Verdi wants to enforce for Amazon employees a collective agreement at the level of retail and mail order trade in Rheinland-Pfalz.
dream of owning a distribution center
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It was only at the beginning of rumors had arisen according to which the US company wants to invest in the accelerated delivery. Trigger of speculation about a new competition for parcel services such as German Post or Hermes were statements of an Amazon-manager who had raved about in conversation with the “Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung” by building their own distribution centers in major German cities.
” Amazon will gain flexibility to offer new services such as same-day delivery, “said Amazon manager Bernd Schwengersbauer. “Here helps a private offer.” The US company had opened its first parcel center in Olching near Munich last year. There distribute 130 employees packets for delivery on the same or next day.

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