Munich – The German economy is benefiting from the strong domestic demand and comes with a new optimism in the spring. The Ifo Business Climate Index rose after three consecutive declines in March again by one point to 106.7 points.
The Company classified its business outlook for the coming half year better, and the assessments of the current business situation improved to the highest level in six months, as the Ifo Institute for economic research announced in Munich on Tuesday.
the economic expectations of German financial experts have brightened in March. The indicator of the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) rose by 3.3 points to 4.3 points. But “the guesswork about future economic development of important emerging countries, on the future development of oil prices and the external value of the euro agree remain cautious,” the ZEW said in Mannheim.
” the stable domestic demand supports the German economy and balances the weak export dynamics, “said Ifo economic expert Klaus Wohlrabe. The company still put on additional employees, the employment situation is good, and because it is because of low interest rates “is no incentive to save, the German consumer goes shopping,” Wohlrabe.
the situation index rose by 0.9 points to 113.8, the Expectations Index rose after the setback in the previous month of 98.9 to 100.0 points. The Ifo index is based on a survey of 7,000 companies and is the most important early indicator of the German economy.
Last fears the industry before a persistent weak growth had in China and pressed in the emerging markets on the economic barometer. Now the companies were satisfied with their business situation and also slightly more confident for next time. “The improvement in industry was mainly due to the producers of consumer goods,” the outgoing Ifo President Hans-Werner Sinn.
saidIn retailing improved the business climate significantly. The dealers were with their current situation clearly more satisfied and optimistic for the coming months. Jim wholesaling the business climate also improved. In construction, the record for the assessment of the situation though could not be maintained, but exceeded expectations. “It runs under construction”, emphasized Wohlrabe.
The service downgraded the business situation despite a slight decrease, although still well above the long-term average
Ifo time series
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