Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Finance: make medical expenses tax deductible – ABC Online

Wednesday , 03.23.2016, 05:00
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Who spending on diseases , this should absolutely indicate in their tax returns. While there are for smaller amounts still no money back, but this could change in the future – and then also apply retroactively

taxpayer should indicate their medical expenses in the tax return. namely from the first euro. Whether dentures, eyeglasses, cures or orthopedic aids such as orthotics and prescription co-payments -. It should be entered as extraordinary expenses

“Currently considered the tax, these expenses only when a certain amount – the so-called reasonable internal stress – exceeded, “explains Isabel Klocke from the taxpayers Association in Berlin. but contrast is a complaint to the Federal Constitutional Court is pending (Az .: 2 BvR 180/16).

Pending a decision by the Court of the tax office, the full cost is not taken into account, however. If the Federal Constitutional Court overturn the reasonable self-load limit, the taxpayer can later get money back from the tax office.

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"It is advisable to specify the cost equal to the income tax return," advises Klocke. "Otherwise there is a risk that the taxpayer might not subsequently recalls the expenditure or lost documents." Even though the tax office, the medical expenses to the current legal situation not imputes: a protest against the tax the taxpayer must therefore in principle lodge not. The assessments are preliminary at this point and can be changed later.


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