Monday, March 21, 2016

Apple Keynote at the live ticker: Today we could see the iPhone and iPad Mini SE – ABC Online

Monday, 03.21.2016, 19:02
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Apple invites for Monday night the first major product show of the year. The year could therefore immediately begin a firecracker: A smaller iPhone with a strong performance and lower cost. What actually comes, you will see here.

  • Apple introduces new products.
  • Expected to be the iPhone SE and a new iPad Mini.
  • also for Apple Watch, there could be news.
  • here ticker colleagues from CHIP.
  • a live stream of the event can be found here

19:05 aM: And that is final. Tim Cook gestures to the crowd and says goodbye.

19:04: Finally Cook will again sentimental. “That was probably the last presentation in this room. This is where the iPhone was introduced.”, He says. Apple will soon be moving into its new headquarters. Soon will be presented from there.

19:02:. Tim Cook summarizes again what was shown today The iPhone SE he called again as “the most powerful 4-inch smartphone of all time” .

18:57: new iPad Pro will be great, so less than the previous unit 9.7 inches. As from 24 March, to be pre-ordered. It has a powerful processor which should and games allow four speakers who adapt their sound to the location of the device. Prices: There will also be a version with 256 GB for 899 dollars.

18:54: Even the iPad Pro accessories will be discussed. There will be new adapter, for example, an SD card reader. Even through the Apple Edit is spoken, which should be very popular now.

18:52: The iPad Pro will continue to be a device that the PC or laptop replaced. It will feature a new True Tone display, the brightness and color temperature adapts to the environment.

18:47: Now Phil Schiller is on stage and talks about the iPad Pro. Schiller reported that many Windows users are switching to the iPad Pro. Today he presents new version of the business tablets.

18:43: Car Also Play and Apple Maps to improve iOS 9.3 is available for download from today

.. 18:42: Greg Joswiak remains on stage and talks about the new mobile operating system iOS 9.3. He confirmed the Night mode is already known from beta versions. The will let iPhone users sleep better. It filters the blue light from the display of the iPhone.

18:38: Wow, the price surprise: The iPhone comes in 16 GB version for surprisingly low price of $ 399. As of Thursday, den24. March is on pre-order. The 64-GB version costs 499 euros

18:37:. also an NFC chip for Apple Pay (there are not in Germany), the device on board. There is also a 12 megapixel camera. This video in 4K can be recorded.

18:34: This too had many experts expected beforehand, but it is still really strong: the small iPhone SE actually has the same powerful processor as the flagship, iPhone 6S. This promises strong performance. Also voice control via Siri will work this way.

18:33: Even the rumored beforehand Name iPhone SE has been confirmed as Greg Joswiak reported on the stage.

18:31: Shortly chatted about Apple TV, already it is about the new iPhone. It will actually be a new 4-inch iPhone.

18.30 Especially much to report, there was not at the Apple Watch, however. A few new colors and bracelets and the new price.

18:22: Now it comes to the products. At first it is about the Apple Watch This is the future (at least in the US) to have more favorable. From US $ 299 is now available. So far, there were 399 US dollars.

18:21: Yes, it is (still) not a new iPhone, but this issue is actually highly important: With the help of smartphones and smartwatches can be important data on the health of people gather that can help on scientific evaluation or medical care to fight on an individual and societal level disease. to keep the issue of data protection here in mind, however, is certainly essential. Especially in the eyes of German users.

18:17: The environmental part of the evening is finished. But new products are not still: Now it comes to the issue of health and new scientific possibilities.

18:12: A really sensible idea is a recycling robot named Liam. He shall lay used iPhones apart and decomposing into its individual components. Rare commodities like cobalt and silver can be reused. Real practical and, yes, bad word, sustainable. Old iPhones can send in for free or proposed in Apple Stores. By the way: A smartphone that is now possible ecological and fair, is the modular built Fairphone 2 . More in this video:


Also around the trees in the world makes Apple worrying. One might, for example, focus more on recycling and replant new for consumed trees

18:06:. While many Apple fans are waiting for the new products, Apple is dedicated to only once a really important issues: protect the environment. 93 percent of Apple locations run by renewable energy, reports Lisa Jackson.

18:05: The Apple CEO says Apple THE theme of last week: The encryption of the iPhone. The US authorities want the Apple this crack for you, Apple does not want to do that. According to Tim Cook fact remains: “We have a responsibility,” he says

18:02:. Gelabert Enough: Tim Cook on stage. In a video above the history of Apple products has been celebrated. Occasion: On April 1, Apple is 40 years old.

18:00 : A brief Google search results: the lady who sings, is Sia. The name tells me something somehow. Their most successful in Germany Song says: “This is Acting”. I think I do not know yet

17:57:. Juhuuu, the tooting is already running. “I’m unstoppable today”, sings a woman’s voice. You can see the white apple on a black background. Equal we go.

17:51: The live stream of the event can be as usual with Apple, only on Apple devices and the Safari browser view . Our Ticker contrast, there is for all, and Android users. You’re welcome, world

17:47: What is a true Apple fanboy, of course, can not remember the keynote on the Apple Watch. And you? From ABC Online, I hope times

17:38: by the way: While we here have to hit the early evening around the ears in Germany us, Apple presents its equipment at 10am Californian local .

17:20: Currently builds Apple we know, a new headquarters. However, today’s keynote will take place in the old. Here a Twitter photo of the spot. Twitter is the way ten years of age today. Happy at this point, from me and, oh I say now just, the whole FOCUS-Online Editor.

17.00: Hach, Apple would have to be (yet one hour):

16:32: In about one and a half hours it starts. The Apple Store is however now no longer accessible. There room for the new products is already virtually created. “We can wait to show you what we have prepared for you is hardly” writes Apple.

15:12 in a little less than three hours we go in Cupertino. They are already sitting on hot coals? A detailed rumors Check for Keynote there with the colleagues of CHIP, specifically here. That should the internal tensions somewhat cushion

03/21/2016, 14:04. An exciting fact on the edge: The day after the presentation today there is an important hearing in the procedure around the unlocking the iPhone a dead assassin in California. Apple was ordered by a judge, the FBI to help crack open an iPhone 5c. The Federal Police requires the group should write a software that allows investigators arbitrarily durchzuprobieren many passwords, without the content of the phone will automatically delete.

Apple resists this “governmental operating system” and argued also to develop such a gap on a phone, would reduce the safety of all. The group also fears that a precedent for similar requests would open the floodgates. The new products provide the Group with the opportunity to the public from Tuesday hearing to remember that Apple produces more than just debates about encryption and national security.

Apple launches the technology 2016. Before in the fall a new iPhone 7 comes to market, the company from Cupertino will initially feature a smaller, cheaper iPhone. At least the experts agree that Apple will present their presentation on 21 March 2016, the iPhone SE. In addition, a new mini-iPad and News for Apple Watch are expected.

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