Wednesday, March 23, 2016

GCEA estimates by refugees 250,000 unemployed more – FAZ – Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Job in Duisburg

mandated by the federal government scientists expect the number of unemployed in Germany significantly increases next year by the refugee immigration and approaches the three-million mark. Until the end of 2017 go to the experts for the investigation of the economic development “of about 250,000 additional unemployed as a result of refugee migration,” it says in the published on Wednesday economic forecast of economic experts.

Almost every twelfth unemployed would be to assess the five top economists a recognized refugee. Approximately 80,000 to 130,000 recognized refugees would be the opinion is expected in 2017 in employment. The majority will be only marginally employed.

For the entire labor market, the economic experts expect 2016 with a slight rise in unemployment to 2.808 million. 2017 should reduce the number according to the calculations then down to 2.958 million.

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Overall, expect the farming practices but a positive economic development in Germany – despite international crisis and a sluggish global trade. The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) will increase this year by 1.5 percent, and more down a tad to 1.6 percent next year: “The upturn in Germany thus continues”, said the five economists in their latest economic forecast for the . Federal government Previously, experts had budgeted nor an increase of 1.6 percent for this year, after 1.7 percent growth in the previous year they founded the lower estimate now -. as last already other researchers -. with the weaker global economy

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